Geboren in 1937. Rechtenstudie aan de universiteit van Cambridge. Barrister 1964-1980. Queen's Counsel 1980-1986. Justice of the High Court of England and Wales 1986-1995. Lord Justice of Appeal 1995-2003. Bencher sinds 1985 en Treasurer in 2003 van de Honourable Society of the Inner Temple. Rechter bij het Hof van Justitie sinds 8 januari 2004.
born 1937; studied law at Cambridge University; Barrister (1964 - 1980); Queen's Counsel (1980 -1986); Judge of the High Court of England and Wales (1986 - 1995); Lord Justice of Appeal (1995 - 2003); senior member since 1985 and Treasurer since 2003 of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple; in office as Judge of the Court of Justice from 8 January 2004.