De vragen aan de minister gaan vooral over verslaglegging per land, de openbaarmaking van fiscale rulings, het netwerk van bilaterale verdragen inzake dubbele belastingheffing, de minimumcriteria inzake economische substantie om in Luxemburg te worden belast, de brievenbusfirma's, de "Lux Freeport", de fiscale-rulingpraktijk nu en in het verleden, en maatregelen tegen agressieve belastingplanning, dubbele niet-belastingheffing en grondslaguitholling in andere lidstaten.
Questions addressed to the Minister mainly focused on CBCR, publication of tax rulings, network of bilateral treaties for double taxation, the minimum criteria for economic substance to be taxed in Luxembourg, the letterbox companies, the Lux Freeport, current and past tax ruling practices and measures to combat aggressive tax avoidance, double non taxation and the erosion of tax base of others Member States.