Zodra de spoorwegonderneming of de infrastructuurbeheerder constateert, of er door een arts van in kennis wordt gesteld dat de gezondheid van een machinist zodanig is verslechterd dat er aanleiding is te twijfelen aan zijn arbeidsgeschiktheid, dan neemt zij/hij onmiddellijk de nodige maatregelen, onder verwijzing naar de in bijlage II, punt 3.1, van deze richtlijn beschreven keuring.
As soon as a railway undertaking or infrastructure manager is aware or is informed by a doctor that the health of a driver has deteriorated to a point where his fitness for the job is called into question, it shall immediately take the necessary action, including the examination described in section 3.1 of Annex II. Furthermore, it shall ensure that at no time during their service drivers are under the influence of any substance which is likely to affect their concentration, attention or behaviour.