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Advies geven over pr
Advies geven over public relations
Adviseren over public relations
Raad geven over public relations

Vertaling van "adviseren over public relations " (Nederlands → Engels) :

adviseren over public relations | raad geven over public relations | advies geven over pr | advies geven over public relations

commend a marketing strategy | instruct on a marketing strategy | advise on public relations | instruct on public relations
In view of the assessment, Slovenia is invited to: (i) implement the already adopted stimulus measures in line with the EERP and specify the measures announced in the programme aimed at stemming the widening of the deficit; (ii) start reversing the fiscal stimulus as planned in the programme in 2010 and strengthen the adjustment foreseen for 2011 in the light of the assumed pick-up in economic growth; in so doing, keep tight control over government expenditure; (iii) in view of the projected increase in age-related expenditure, imp ...[+++]

In view of the assessment, Slovenia is invited to: (i) implement the stimulus measures in 2009 in line with the EERP; (ii) start reversing the fiscal stimulus as planned in the programme in 2010 and strengthen the adjustment foreseen for 2011 in the light of the assumed pick-up in economic growth; in so doing, keep tight control over government expenditure; (iii) in view of the projected increase in age-related expenditure, improve the long-term sustainability of public finances ...[+++]

De onderwerpen waarover tot nu toe studies zijn opgesteld, zijn: “National Legislation and national initiatives and programmes (since 2005) on topics related to climate change” (nationale wetgeving en nationale initiatieven en programma’s (vanaf 2005) over aan klimaatverandering gerelateerde onderwerpen (regelmatig bijgewerkt), “Climate change legislation and initiatives at EU level” (wetgeving inzake klimaatverandering en initiatieven op Europees niveau), “Climate change legislation/initiatives at the international level and post-201 ...[+++]

The topics on which studies have been delivered up to now are : "National Legislation and national initiatives and programmes (since 2005) on topics related to climate change" (regularly updated), "Climate change legislation and initiatives at EU level", "Climate change legislation/initiatives at the international level and post-2012 design options", "China's energy policy in the light of climate change and options for co-operation with the EU", "China and climate change: Impacts and policy responses" and "China and climate change: re ...[+++]

Het werkdocument is in oktober 2003 besproken op een bijeenkomst van de groep voor paraatheid en reactie op het gebied van de volksgezondheid (Public Health Preparedness and Response Planning Group, PRPG), die is ingesteld om de Commissie te adviseren over alle aspecten van noodsituaties die de volksgezondheid betreffen.

The working paper was reviewed at a meeting in October 2003 of the Public Health Preparedness and Response Planning Group (PRPG), which was set up to advise the Commission on all matters concerning public health emergencies.

60. beklemtoont dat het personeel van consumentenorganisaties door de verantwoordelijke instanties in de lidstaten permanent moet worden bijgeschoold, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van algemeen management, public relations en consumentenrecht; is van mening dat hierbij speciale aandacht dient uit te gaan naar consumentenorganisaties in lidstaten en kandidaat-lidstaten die van oudsher niet over een actieve en onafhankelijke consumentenvertegenwoordiging beschikken;

60. Stresses the need for continuous action in the training of personnel of consumer organisations through the responsible agencies in the Member States, for instance in the areas of general management, public relations and consumer law, and for consumer groups from Member States and candidate countries that do not have a traditionally strong basis of active and independent consumer action to be particularly targeted;

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59. beklemtoont dat het personeel van consumentenorganisaties door de verantwoordelijke instanties in de lidstaten permanent moet worden bijgeschoold, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van algemeen management, public relations en consumentenrecht; is van mening dat hierbij speciale aandacht dient uit te gaan naar consumentenorganisaties in lidstaten en kandidaat-lidstaten die van oudsher niet over een actieve en onafhankelijke consumentenvertegenwoordiging beschikken;

59. Stresses the need for continuous action in training the personnel of consumer organisations through the responsible agencies in the Member States, for instance in the areas of general management, public relations and consumer law, and for consumer groups from Member States and candidate countries that do not have a traditionally strong basis of active and independent consumer action to be particularly targeted;

– (EL) Mijnheer de Voorzitter, ik ga het hebben over een op het eerste gezicht prozaïscher onderwerp, dat volgens mij echter te maken heeft met de public relations van ons Parlement en met de manier waarop we de Europese burgers inlichten over onze manier van werken.

– (EL) Mr President, I wish to bring what might appear at first sight to be a more prosaic matter to the House’s attention but which relates, I think, to the way in which Parliament conducts its public relations and tells European citizens about how it works.

één A7-post voor het Directoraat-generaal voorlichting en public relations (contacten met journalisten uit de kandidaat-landen); dit krediet blijft in de reserve totdat er een rapport is ingediend over de betrekkingen met de pers uit de kandidaat-landen en over een precieze jobbeschrijving;

one A7 post for the Directorate-General for Information and Public Relations (liaison with journalists from the candidate countries); the appropriation will remain in the reserve pending submission of a report on relations with the press from the candidate countries and submission of a precise job description;

De Commissie heeft een groenboek goedgekeurd over de met de interne markt verbonden problemen op gebied van commerciële communicatie (reclame, direct marketing, sponsoring, verkoopbevordering en public relations) en over de toekomstige beleidsopties om dit probleem aan te pakken.

Single Market problems in the area of Commercial Communications (advertising, direct marketing, sponsorship, sales promotion and public relations) and future policy options to tackle this issue are the subject of a Green Paper just adopted by the European Commission.

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Date index: 2022-05-23