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Aberrante 'arteria subclavia'
Atresievan arterie of vene NEC
Atresievan nares
Congenitale atresie van nares
Congenitale stenose van larynx NEC
Congenitale stenosevan nares
Correctie van nares volgens Weir
Fissuur van epiglottis
Folliculitis nares perforans
Gespleten 'cartilago thyroidea'
Ontbrekenvan arterie of vene NEC
Spleet achterzijde van cartilago cricoidea

Traduction de «atresievan nares » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

atresievan nares (anteriores)(posteriores) | congenitale stenosevan nares (anteriores)(posteriores)

Atresia | Congenital stenosis | of nares (anterior)(posterior)

agenesievan cartilago cricoidea of thyroidea, epiglottis, glottis of larynx | atresievan cartilago cricoidea of thyroidea, epiglottis, glottis of larynx | ontbrekenvan cartilago cricoidea of thyroidea, epiglottis, glottis of larynx | congenitale stenose van larynx NEC | fissuur van epiglottis | gespleten 'cartilago thyroidea' | spleet achterzijde van cartilago cricoidea

Absence | Agenesis | Atresia | of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage | Cleft thyroid cartilage Congenital stenosis of larynx NEC Fissure of epiglottis Posterior cleft of cricoid cartilage

aberrante 'arteria subclavia' | atresievan arterie of vene NEC | ontbrekenvan arterie of vene NEC | congenitaal | aneurysma (perifeer) | congenitaal | arteriestrictuur | congenitaal | varix

Aberrant subclavian artery Absence | Atresia | of artery or vein NEC | Congenital:aneurysm (peripheral) | stricture, artery | varix

folliculitis nares perforans

folliculitis narium perforans

congenitale atresie van nares

Congenital atresia of nares
