[28] De werkzaamheden van de Commissie ter verbetering van ondersteunende diensten omvatten het werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie 'Bedrijfsondersteunende diensten van eerste klas creëren', SEC(2001) 1937, 28.11.200
1, 'Benchmarking of Business Incubators', februari 2002, 'Good practices in the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship', december
2002, het European network to promote Women's EntrepreneurShip (WES), de 'European conference on ethnic minority entrepreneurs', juni 2003, en de Verslagen over de uitvoering van het Han
[28] The Commission's work to improve support services includes Commission Staff Working Paper 'Creating Top-class Business Support Services', SEC (2001) 1937, 28.11.2001, 'Benchmarking of Business Incubators', February 2002, 'Good practices in the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship', December 2002, the European network to promote Women's EntrepreneurShip (WES), the 'European conference on ethnic minority entrepreneurs', June 2003 and the Charter implementation reports.