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Chief Information Systems Security Officer
Chief analytics officer
Chief data officer
Chief information officer
Chief information security officer
Chief technical officer
Chief technology officer
Hoofd IT-beveiliging
Hoofd ict-beveiliging
Ict-security officer
Information technology director

Vertaling van "chief information systems security officer " (Nederlands → Engels) :

Chief Information Systems Security Officer

Chief Information Systems Security Officer

chief information security officer | ict-security officer | hoofd ict-beveiliging | hoofd IT-beveiliging

chief ICT security officers | chief information security officer | chief ICT security officer | fead of IT security

chief analytics officer | chief information officer | CAO | chief data officer

CDO | chief analytics officer | chief data officer | chief data officers

chief technical officer | CTO | chief technology officer | information technology director

information technology director | IT director | chief technology officer | chief technology officers
2. Het Europees Parlement zet in overeenstemming met die basisbeginselen en minimumnormen een beheerssysteem voor informatieveiligheid (Information Security Management System, ISMS) op.

2. The European Parliament shall set up an information security management system (ISMS) in accordance with those basic principles and minimum standards.

Bij de start vandaag in Brussel werden de private partners vertegenwoordigd door: Roch Doliveux, CEO van UCB, Henri Winand, CEO van Intelligent Energy, Jean-Paul Herteman, bestuursvoorzitter en CEO van de Safran Group, Peder Holk Nielsen, CEO van Novozymes, Jean-Marc Chery, Chief Operating Officer van STMicroelectronics, Jochen Eickholt, CEO van Divison Rail Systems, Siemens AG, Infrastructure Cities Sector, en Massimo Garbini, CEO van ENAV.

At a launch event in Brussels today, the private partners were represented by: Roch Doliveux, CEO of UCB, Henri Winand, CEO of Intelligent Energy, Jean-Paul Herteman, Chairman and CEO of the Safran Group, Peder Holk Nielsen, CEO of Novozymes, Jean-Marc Chery, Chief Operating Officer of STMicroelectronics, Jochen Eickholt, CEO of Divison Rail Systems, Siemens AG, Infrastructure Cities Sector, and Massimo Garbini, CEO of ENAV.

(24) Overeenkomstig Beschikking 2007/344/EG van de Commissie moeten de lidstaten gebruikmaken van het Frequency Information System (EFIS) van het Europees Bureau voor Communicatie (European Communications Office - ECO) om via het internet vergelijkbare informatie over het radiospectrumgebruik in elke lidstaat beschikbaar te stellen.

(24) In accordance with Commission Decision 2007/344/EC , Member States are to use the Frequency Information System (EFIS) of the European Communications Office (ECO) in order to make comparable information regarding the use of radio spectrum in each Member State available to the public via the internet.

2. Het Europees Parlement zet in overeenstemming met de basisbeginselen en minimumnormen een beheerssysteem voor informatieveiligheid (Information Security Management System, ISMS) op , dat gericht is op het ondersteunen van het parlementaire en administratieve werk, terwijl het tegelijkertijd de bescherming van door het Europees Parlement behandelde vertrouwelijke informatie waarborgt, met volledige inachtneming van de regels die door de opsteller van de bewuste informatie zijn vastgesteld zoals opgenomen in de veiligheidsmededelingen.

2. The European Parliament shall set up an information security management system (ISMS) in accordance with those basic principles and minimum standards which shall aim at facilitating Parliamentary and administrative work, while ensuring the protection of any confidential information processed by the European Parliament, in full respect of the rules established by the originator of such information as laid down in the security notices.

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c) Activeer het scheepsveiligheidsalarmsysteem (Ship Security Alert System, SSAS), waardoor uw Company Security Officer en uw vlaggenstaat worden ingelicht.

(c) Activate the ship security alert system (SSAS), which will alert your company security officer and flag state.

There is a clear need for the amendments and for new issues to be included in order to improve the functioning of FRONTEX, such as exploitation of the information obtained through the liaison officer networks and exchange of this via ICONet (secure Information and Coordination Network for Member States’ migration management services), accessing the External Borders Fund to promote the creation of liaison officer networks and facilitate their operation and, lastly, exped ...[+++]

There is a clear need for the amendments and for new issues to be included in order to improve the functioning of Frontex, such as exploitation of the information obtained through the liaison officer networks and exchange of this via ICONet (secure Information and Coordination Network for Member States’ migration management services), accessing the External Borders Fund to promote the creation of liaison officer networks and facilitate their operation and, lastly, exped ...[+++]

[27] Assessment of options for the long-term management of the second- generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), the Visa Information System (VIS) and EURODAC and other large-scale IT systems in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security, Final report, 15 oktober 2007, RAND Europe.

[27] Assessment of options for the long-term management of the second- generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), the Visa Information System (VIS) and EURODAC and other large-scale IT systems in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security, Final report, 15 October 2007, RAND Europe.

- Verbetering van de toegang tot bestaande gegevens en integratie van de voor aanpassing relevante gegevens in INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe), SEIS (Shared Environment Information System) en GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), met inbegrip van een aanzienlijk versterkte in situ langetermijnmonitoring van kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve aspecten van de natuurlijke hulpbronnen, de biodiver ...[+++]

- Improve access to existing data and integrate data relevant for adaptation into INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe), SEIS (Shared Environment Information System) and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), including inter alia substantially strengthened long-term in situ monitoring of quality and quantity aspects of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

1.1.1 | Establish an Early Warning System concerning explosives Such a system would be used in order to exchange information concerning: Immediate threats; Theft of explosives (any kind); Theft of detonators; Theft of precursors; (to be discussed) Suspicious transactions; Discovery of new modi operandi The system should be available in particular to Member States public security authorities (national contact points), Europol a ...[+++]

1.1.1 | Establish an Early Warning System concerning explosives Such a system would be used in order to exchange information concerning: Immediate threats; Theft of explosives (any kind); Theft of detonators; Theft of precursors; (to be discussed) Suspicious transactions; Discovery of new modi operandi. The system should be available in particular to Member States public security authorities (national contact points), Europol ...[+++]

- Het Congres heeft de aanstelling geëist van een Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) bij het Department of Homeland Security (DHS), die jaarlijks verslag moet uitbrengen aan het Congres en wiens conclusies bindend zijn voor het DHS.

- Congress has required the establishment of a Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who has to report annually to Congress and whose findings are binding on the department.

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Date index: 2021-01-22