1 || Huidcorrosie || Testmethoden op basis van gereconstrueerde humane epidermis (RhE) overeenkomstig TG 431 van OESO[36]/TM B.40bis van EU[37] || Erkend in 2004, geactualiseerde versie (onderverdeling, prestatienormen, opneming van SkinEthic™, RHE en epiCS®) zal in 2013 in WNT[38] worden besproken
1 || Skin corrosion || Recontructed human Epidermis test methods (RhE) as included in OECD TG[36] 431/EU TM[37] B.40 bis || Accepted in 2004, updated version (sub-categorisation, performance standards, inclusion of SkinEthic™ RHE and epiCS®) will be discussed at WNT[38] in 2013