Alliance for Natural Health (Europese vereniging van fabrikanten, groothandelaren, distributeurs, detailhandelaren en consumenten van voedingssupplementen), Nutri-Link Ltd (kleine distributeur-detailhandelaar) evenals National Association of Health Stores en Health Food Manufacturers Ltd (beroepsverenigingen die ongeveer 580 ondernemingen vertegenwoordigen die in het Verenigd Koninkrijk dieetproducten distribueren) hebben bij de Britse High Court of Justice de geldigheid betwist van de Britse regelingen waarbij de richtlijn is omgezet.
Alliance for Natural Health (a Europe-wide association of manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers and consumers of food supplements), Nutri-Link Ltd (a small distributor and retailer), the National Association of Health Stores and the Health Food Manufacturers Association (trade associations representing around 580 companies, the majority of which are small firms which distribute dietary products in the United Kingdom) challenged the validity of the regulations transposing the directive into the law of England and Wales.