Vroeger werd het product in de volle zon gedroogd, op weidse vlaktes, velden en pleinen. Tegenwoordig gebruiken de bedrijven en/of coöperaties droogkamers en worden de doppen hergebruikt als brandstof. Het product wordt bewaard in opslagplaatsen en/of silo's met temperatuurcontrole, of, wanneer het om het gepelde product gaat, in cellen.
From a system whereby the hazelnuts were dried by the heat of the sun, when it was not uncommon to see farmyards and piazzas covered with hazelnuts spread out to dry, there has been a transition to the use of agricultural driers owned by the farm and/or cooperative, a system in which the shells are recycled as fuel and the product is stored in warehouses and/or silos at a controlled temperature or in refrigerated compartments for the shelled product.