De lidstaterking in de hele EU verder blijven bevorderen (onder meer de Nordic Baltic Taskfon en de Commissie moeten regionale initiatieven ter aanvulling en ter inspiratie van samenwerce against Trafficking in Human Beings; het Zuidoost-Europees Samenwerkingsinitiatief.het Zuidoost-Europees Samenwerkingsproces; het pan-Europese proces van Boedapest; de „5+5 dialoog” tussen de westelijke mediterrane landen; de mediterrane dialoog over transitmigratie, de„Alliantie tegen de mensenhandel” en andere fora/organisaties).
Member States and the Commission should continue to promote regional initiatives that complement and inspire EU wide cooperation (inter alia the Nordic Baltic Taskforce against Trafficking in Human Beings; the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative.the Southeast European Cooperation Process; the pan-European Budapest Process; the ‘5+5 dialogue’ between the Western Mediterranean countries; and the Mediterranean Transit Migration Dialogue, the ‘Alliance Against Trafficking in Persons’ as well as other fora/organisations).