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Arteriële trombose van ruggenmerg
Cerebrale vene
Intracraniale veneuze sinus
Niet-pyogene intraspinale-flebitis en -tromboflebitis
Niet-pyogene trombose van
Niet-pyogene trombose van intracraniaal veneus stelsel
Niet-pyogene trombose van veneuze sinus
Subacute necrotische-myelopathie

Vertaling van "niet-pyogene trombose van veneuze sinus " (Nederlands → Engels) :

niet-pyogene trombose van veneuze sinus

Non-pyogenic venous sinus thrombosis

niet-pyogene trombose van | cerebrale vene | niet-pyogene trombose van | intracraniale veneuze sinus

Nonpyogenic thrombosis of:cerebral vein | intracranial venous sinus

niet-pyogene trombose van intracraniaal veneus stelsel

Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous system

cerebraal infarct door niet-pyogene trombose van cerebrale vene

Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, non-pyogenic

acute infarcering van ruggenmerg (embolisch)(niet-embolisch) | arteriële trombose van ruggenmerg | hematomyelie | niet-pyogene intraspinale-flebitis en -tromboflebitis | ruggenmergoedeem | subacute necrotische-myelopathie

Acute infarction of spinal cord (embolic)(nonembolic) Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord Haematomyelia Nonpyogenic intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis Oedema of spinal cord Subacute necrotic myelopathy

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Date index: 2022-09-09