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Beoordelen met 'Augmentative Communication Profile'
Digital community manager
Manager social media
Medische literatuur online
Online afdruk
Online calculator voor intraoculaire kunstlens
Online community
Online community manager
Online gemeenschap
Online gezondheidscheck
Online gezondheidstest
Online gokken
Online kansspelen
Online printout
Online wedden
Online-community opzetten
Online-communityplan ontwikkelen
Online-gemeenschapsplan opstellen
Social media manager
Virtuele gemeenschap

Vertaling van "online community " (Nederlands → Engels) :

online-community opzetten | plan opstellen voor de ontwikkeling van een online-community | online-communityplan ontwikkelen | online-gemeenschapsplan opstellen

develop online community plan

community | online community | online gemeenschap | virtuele gemeenschap

e-community | electronic community | online community | virtual community

digital community manager | social media manager | manager social media | online community manager

online reachout manager | social media manager | digital community manager | online community manager

online gokken | online kansspelen | online wedden

gambling online | online gamble | internet gambling | online gambling

online calculator voor intraoculaire kunstlens

Intraocular lens web-based calculator

online applicatiesoftware voor hemodynamische modellering

Hemodynamic modeling web-based application software

online afdruk | online printout

direct printout | online printout

e-gezondheid [ gezondheidsportaal | gezondheidsportal | online gezondheidscheck | online gezondheidstest ]

e-Health [ eHealth | online health | on-line health ]

medische literatuur online | MEDICINE [Abbr.]

medical literature on line | MEDICINE [Abbr.]

beoordelen met 'Augmentative Communication Profile'

Assessment using Augmentative Communication Profile
[6] Het EFIS is een online database om te voldoen aan Beschikking nr. 2007/344/EG van de Commissie inzake de geharmoniseerde beschikbaarheid van informatie over spectrumgebruik in de Gemeenschap, die wordt beheerd door het Europees Bureau voor Communicatie (European Communications Office, ECO) in Kopenhagen.

[6] EFIS is an online database to fulfil EC Decision 2007/344/EC on the harmonised availability of information regarding spectrum use in Europe which is managed by the European Communications Office (ECO) in Copenhagen.

garanderen van de vitale rol van de "focal points voor de korte vaart".: er moet worden gezorgd voor een permanente samenwerking tussen de "focal points" en de Commissie door de organisatie van regelmatige vergaderingen en een continue verspreiding van informatie via het online-instrument "CIRCA" (Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator).

ensuring the vital role of Short Sea Shipping Focal Points – it is necessary to ensure continuous cooperation between the focal points and the Commission by organising regular meetings and also to ensure a continuous flow of information via the internet-based tool 'CIRCA' (Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator).

[6] Het EFIS is een online database om te voldoen aan Beschikking nr. 2007/344/EG van de Commissie inzake de geharmoniseerde beschikbaarheid van informatie over spectrumgebruik in de Gemeenschap, die wordt beheerd door het Europees Bureau voor Communicatie (European Communications Office, ECO) in Kopenhagen.

[6] EFIS is an online database to fulfil EC Decision 2007/344/EC on the harmonised availability of information regarding spectrum use in Europe which is managed by the European Communications Office (ECO) in Copenhagen.

7. erkent dat er goed werk is verricht door het Europese e-justitieportaal en het Europees justitieel netwerk, alsook door e-Codex (e-justice Communication via Online Data Exchange), met name wat betreft de beschikbaarheid van de formulieren voor rechtsbijstand op het Europese e-justitieportaal, zoals omschreven in Richtlijn 2003/8/EG van de Raad; dringt echter aan op meer duidelijkheid en gemakkelijke toegang tot deze formulieren voor rechtsbijstand en de nationale formulieren voor rechtsbijstand op al deze platforms, met inbegrip van duidelijke en praktische informatie over hoe men in de verschillende lidstaten het best rechtsbijstand ...[+++]

7. Recognises the good work done by the EU’s e-Justice Portal, the EU Judicial Network as well as the e-CODEX (e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange), in particular with the availability on the EU e-Justice Portal of the legal aid forms provided for in Council Directive 2003/8/EC; calls, however, for increased clarity and easy access to these legal aid forms and national legal aid forms on all these platforms, including clear and practical information on how best to apply for legal aid in the different Member States in cross-border civil and commercial disputes;

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garanderen van de vitale rol van de "focal points voor de korte vaart".: er moet worden gezorgd voor een permanente samenwerking tussen de "focal points" en de Commissie door de organisatie van regelmatige vergaderingen en een continue verspreiding van informatie via het online-instrument "CIRCA" (Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator).

ensuring the vital role of Short Sea Shipping Focal Points – it is necessary to ensure continuous cooperation between the focal points and the Commission by organising regular meetings and also to ensure a continuous flow of information via the internet-based tool 'CIRCA' (Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator).

Parliament called on the Council and the Commission to act on the Commission communication of May 2007 and also to implement Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 March 2006 on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks and to extend its scope with a view to setting rules on preservation of the data of anyone who has uploaded internet content, so as to enable the police and judiciary to tackle online child por ...[+++]

Parliament called on the Council and the Commission to act on the Commission communication of May 2007 and also to implement Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks, and to extend its scope with a view to setting rules on preservation of the data of anyone who has uploaded Internet content, so as to enable the police and judiciary to tackle online child por ...[+++]

[14] Zie voor meer bijzonderheden de studie "Quantification of emissions from ships associated with ship movements between ports in the European Community" die online beschikbaar is op het adres

[14] For more details see the study "Quantification of emissions from ships associated with ship movements between ports in the European Community" available online at

Dat zijn ARNES (, CZ.NIC ( register), Business Europe (een koepelorganisatie van 39 industriegerelateerde werkgeversverenigingen uit 33 landen), ECTA-internetcomité (European Community Trademark Association), EMOTA (European Multi-channel and Online Trade Association), IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau), CECUA (Confederation of European Computer Users) en UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).

These are ARNES ( registry), CZ.NIC ( registry), Business Europe (a confederation of 39 industry-related federations from 33 countries), ECTA Internet Committee (European Community Trademark Association), EMOTA (European Multi-channel and Online Trade Association), IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau), CECUA (Confederation of European Computer Users), and UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises).

Het bestaat uit twee stichtende leden: DNS Belgium (, het Istituto di Informatica e Telematica (, en acht geassocieerde leden: ARNES (, CZ.NIC ( register), Business Europe (een koepelorganisatie van 39 industriegerelateerde werkgeversverenigingen uit 33 landen), ECTA-internetcomité (European Community Trademark Association), EMOTA (European Multi-channel and Online Trade Association), IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau), CECUA (Confederation of European Computer Users) en U ...[+++]

It comprises two founding members: DNS Belgium ( registry) and the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica ( registry), and eight associate members: ARNES ( registry), CZ.NIC ( registry), Business Europe (a confederation of 39 industry-related federations from 33 countries), ECTA Internet Committee (European Community Trademark Association), EMOTA (European Multi-channel and Online Trade Association), IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau), CECUA (Confederation of European Computer Users) and UEAPME (European ...[+++]

Daarenboven brengen twee Amerikaanse ondernemingen ervaring op het gebied van Amerikaanse on-line diensten in : Meigher Communications (gecreëerd door sommige oprichters van America Online) en Interchange Online Network (ontwerper van de door Europe Online gebruikte programmatuur en onlangs overgenomen door ATT, de belangrijkste Amerikaanse telecommunicatieorganisatie).

In addition, two US companies would contribute experience from the US online services sector. These are: Meigher Communications (created by certain founders of America Online) and Interchange Online Network (developer of some software used by Europe Online, and recently acquired by the leading US telecom operator ATT).
