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Gehele zona haemorrhoidalis
Structuur van zona haemorrhoidalis
Vrouwelijke onvruchtbaarheid door zona pellucida-defect
Zona pellucida
Zona pellucida van de eicel

Traduction de «zona » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

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vrouwelijke onvruchtbaarheid door zona pellucida-defect

A rare genetic female infertility disorder with characteristics of the presence of abnormal oocytes that lack a zona pellucida. Affected individuals are unable to conceive despite having normal menstrual cycles and sex hormone levels, as well as no o

1. Wanneer een quarantaineorganisme wel aanwezig is op het grondgebied van de Unie, maar niet op het grondgebied van een lidstaat of een deel daarvan, en het geen EU-quarantaineorganisme betreft, kan de Commissie, op verzoek van die lidstaat op grond van lid 4, dat grondgebied of een deel daarvan overeenkomstig lid 3 erkennen als beschermd gebied wat dat quarantaineorganisme betreft („beschermdgebiedquarantaineorganismen”, hierna „ZP-quarantaineorganismen” (van „Zona Protecta-quarantaineorganismen”)).

1. Where a quarantine pest is present in the Union territory but not in the territory of a Member State or a part thereof, and is not a Union quarantine pest, the Commission may, upon application of that Member State pursuant to paragraph 4, recognise such territory or part thereof as a protected zone in accordance with paragraph 3 as regards that quarantine pest (‘protected zone quarantine pest’).

In Spanje zijn burgers in de als "Zonas Rurales" omschreven agglomeraties van Andaloesië, Centraal Asturië, Gijón, Barcelona en Vallès-Baix Llobregat van 2005 tot ten minste 2012 voortdurend of nagenoeg voortdurend blootgesteld aan ongezonde PM10-waarden.

In Spain, citizens in the agglomerations defined as "Zonas Rurales" of Andalucía, Central Asturias, Gijón, Barcelona, and Vallès-Baix Llobregat have been continuously or almost continuously exposed to unhealthy levels of PM10 since 2005 until at least 2012.

É consagrada especial atenção às regiões menos favorecidas, bem como às zonas rurais, às zonas afectadas pela transição industrial, às regiões com limitações naturais ou demográficas graves e permanentes e às regiões insulares, transfronteiriças e de montanha.

Special attention is paid to the less favoured regions, such as rural areas, areas affected by industrial transition, areas with severe and permanent natural and demographic limitations, and island, cross-border and mountain regions.

Estes apoios são fundamentais para o auxílio às zonas afectadas por catástrofes naturais, como é o caso das inundações na Madeira (Portugal) e da tempestade Xynthia em França.

Support from the fund is crucial for aiding areas affected by natural disasters, such as the flooding in Madeira (Portugal) and storm Xynthia in France.

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A dimensão regional não deve, portanto, ser esquecida, mas sim valorizada, seja através de uma maior participação das entidades regionais e locais, seja através da valorização do papel das zonas urbanas e rurais, pois apenas com o fomento da competitividade regional poderemos ter uma competitividade sólida a nível global.

The regional dimension should therefore not be forgotten, but rather encouraged, whether through greater participation by regional and local entities, or through an increase in the role of urban and rural areas, as it is only through the stimulation of regional competitiveness that we will have solid competitiveness at global level.

E o denominado processo célere, acordado relativamente às pessoas interceptadas na "região fronteiriça", ou seja, dentro de uma área que se estende até 5 quilómetros a partir dos portos marítimos, incluindo as zonas aduaneiras e os aeroportos internacionais dos Estados-Membros ou da Geórgia.

There is also what is called the fast-track process, agreed in relation to people intercepted in the ‘border region’, that is to say, within an area that extends up to 5 kilometres from ports, including customs zones, and international airports in Member States or in Georgia.

- Neste Verão nem o trabalho sazonal conseguiu baixar o desemprego, cuja média, na zona euro, é de 10 % da população activa, mas atinge mais de 20 % dos jovens da União Europeia, de acordo com os últimos dados do Eurostat.

– (PT) This summer, not even seasonal work managed to bring unemployment down: according to the latest Eurostat data, in the euro area, average unemployment stands at 10% of the active population, but this figure is in excess of 20% for young people in the European Union.

Il-Pajjiżi Kandidati l-Kroazja*, u dik li kienet ir-Repubblika Jugoslava tal-Maċedonja*, il-Pajjiżi tal-Proċess ta' Stabbilizzazzjoni u Assoċjazzjoni u kandidati potenzjali l-Albanija, il-Bosnja-Ħerzegovina, il-Montenegro u l-pajjiżi tal-EFTA, il-Liechtenstein u n-Norveġja, membri taż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea jiddikjaraw li huma jikkondividu l-objettivi tal- Pożizzjoni Komuni tal-Kunsill 2009/3149/PESK tas-6 ta’ April 2009, li temenda u l-Pożizzjoni Komuni 2008/276/PESK dwar miżuri restrittivi kontra ċerti uffiċjali tal-Belarus u li tħassar il-Pożizzjoni Komuni 2008/844/PESK li kienet ippubblikata fis-7 ta' April 2009 fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ...[+++]

The Candidate Countries Croatia* and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, the Countries of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the EFTA countries Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area declare that they share the objectives of Council Common Position 2009/3149/CFSP of 6 April 2009, amending Common Position 2006/276/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus and repealing Common Position 2008/844/CFSP which was published on 7 April 2009 in the Official Journal of the European Union Nº L 93 p.21.

De Europese Unie is verheugd over de inspanningen van de Colombiaanse Regering met het oog op ontwapening en demobilisatie van de paramilitaire groeperingen en zal de onderhandelingen met de Zelfverdedigingseenheden van Colombia (AUC) in de "zona de ubicación" met grote belangstelling volgen.

The European Union welcomes the efforts of the Colombian Government to seek the disarmament and demobilisation of paramilitary groups and will follow with great interest the negotiations with the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) in the “zona de ubicación”.

Het plan is gebaseerd op de vier volgende aspecten: Industrie Het herstructureringsplan voorziet een algemene vermindering van de produktiecapaciteit van SEAT met 50% (van 780 000 tot 390 000 eenheden per jaar) die in 1994 en begin 1995 plaatsvond, als gevolg van de definitieve sluiting van de autofabriek in Zona Franca en de concentratie van de overblijvende produktiecapaciteit van SEAT in Martorell.

The plan is based in the following four aspects: Industrial aspects The restructuring plan foresees an overall reduction of 50% of the production capacity of SEAT (from 780 000 to 390 000 units per year) which took place in 1994 and early 1995 following the definite closure of the Zona Franca car plant and the concentration of the remaining production capacities of SEAT on the single site of Martorell.

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Date index: 2024-12-25