(37) In de, gecensureerde, tekst wordt onder de hoofding « Activation of Echelon Units ». onder meer het volgende vermeld : « .Headquarters AIA, Naval Security Group (NSG), and the National Security Agency (NSA) drafted agreements to increase AIA participation in the growing .mission .To accomplish this mission expansion, HQ AIA/XRXU was tasked to establish AIA units at .bases (Detachment 2 and Detachment 3 of Headquarters 544th Intelligence Group ...
(37) Dans le texte censuré du chapitre « Activation of Echelon Units », on lit entre autres ce qui suit : « .Headquarters AIA, Naval Security Group (NSG), and the National Security Agency (NSA) drafted agreements to increase AIA participation in the growing .mission .To accomplish this mission expansion, HQ AIA/XRXU was tasked to establish AIA units at .bases (Detachment 2 and Detachment 3 of Headquarters 544th Intelligence Group ...