2. De Belgische delegatie heeft deelgenomen aan de volgende nevenactiviteiten: - "ODA and fragile environments: the shift of development finance and assistance in the Post 2015 agenda"; - "Global Partnerships for a Transformative Agenda for the LDCs"; - "Advancing financial inclusion in Africa through digital financial servi
ces"; - "Financing development through decent work"; - "Role of science, technology and innovation for achieving sustainable development and supporting the implementation of the Post 2015 development agenda"; - Overleg met de francofonie: welke financiering voor duurzame ontwikkeling?; - "Resource mobilization i
...[+++]n countries affected by conflict and fragility - its impact on peace and stability"; - "Dealing with vulture funds in sovereign debt workouts"; - "The role of data standards in mobilizing and monitoring financing for development commitments"; - "International support to Domestic Resource Mobilization - Addis Tax Initiative"; - "Harnessing the data revolution for sustainable development".2. La délégation belge a participé aux évènements suivants: - "ODA and fragile environments: the shift of development finance and assistance in the Post 2015 agenda"; - "Global Partnerships for a Transformative Agenda for the LDCs"; - "Advancing financial inclusion in Africa through digital financial servi
ces"; - "Financing development through decent work"; - "Role of science, technology and innovation for achieving sustainable development and supporting the implementation of the Post 2015 development agenda"; - Concertation des pays francophones: quels financements pour construire un développement durable?; - "Resource mobilizatio
...[+++]n in countries affected by conflict and fragility - its impact on peace and stability"; - "Dealing with vulture funds in sovereign debt workouts"; - "The role of data standards in mobilizing and monitoring financing for development commitments"; - "International support to Domestic Resource Mobilization - Addis Tax Initiative"; - "Harnessing the data revolution for sustainable development".