(4) De bevindingen in dit hoofdstuk komen uit de conclusies van verschillende studies zoals : J. Unshelm, « The problem of the danger of dogs : a study of incidents with dogs in a large city », 1993; G. Rettinger, « Facial injuries caused by dog bite », 1995; B. Klaassen, « Does the dangerous dogs act protect against animal attacks : a prospective study of mammalian bites in the accident and emergency department », 1996; enzovoort.
(4) Les observations faites dans le présent chapitre sont tirées des conclusions de différentes études comme celles de J. Unshelm, the problem of the danger of dogs : a study of incidents with dogs in a large city, 1993; G. Rettinger, Facial injuries caused by dog bite, 1995; B. Klaassen, Does the dangerous dogs act protect against animal attacks : a prospective study of mammalian bites in the accident and emergency department, 1996, .