Welnu, het EHRM heeft meer dan eens en onder andere in het arrest Hristovi tegen Bulgarije van 11 oktober 2011 onderstreept : « Where the circumstances are such that the authorities are obliged to deploy masked officers to effect an arrest, the Court considers that the latter should be required to visibly display some anonymous means of identification — for example a number or letter, thus allowing for their identification and questioning in the event of challenges to the manner in which the operation was conducted » (§ 92).
Or, la Cour EDH a pu préciser à plusieurs reprises et notamment dans l'arrêt Hristovi c. Bulgarie du 11 octobre 2011 que: « Where the circumstances are such that the authorities are obliged to deploy masked officers to effect an arrest, the Court considers that the latter should be required to visibly display some anonymous means of identification — for example a number or letter, thus allowing for their identification and questioning in the event of challenges to the manner in which the operation was conducted » (§ 92).