Met dit luik wordt uitvoering gegeven aan UN-resolutie 1612 van de Veiligheidsraad [...] "to establish a monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM), managed by country-based task forces co-led by UNICEF and the highest UN representative in the country, to provide timely and reliable information on six grave children's rights violations: a) Killing or maiming of children b) Recruitment or use of children by armed forces or armed groups c) Attacks on schools or hospitals d) Rape or other sexual violence against children e) Abduction of ch
ildren f) Denial of humanitarian access to children" De activiteiten die België financiert, richten zich
...[+++]op: - enerzijds functionerende MRM's en implementatie van actieplannen in CAR, Tsjaad, DRC, Myanmar, Filippijnen, Somalië, Zuid-Soedan; - en anderzijds een bijdrage voor het hoofdkwartier "to support functioning of MRM at all levels.Le volet du programme consacré au mécanisme de surveillance est une réponse concrète à la résolution 1612 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies qui demande "to establish a monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM), managed by country-based task forces co-led by UNICEF and the highest UN representative in the country, to provide timely and reliable information on six grave children's rights violations: a) Killing or maiming of children; b) Recruitment or use of children by armed forces or armed groups; c) Attacks on schools or hospitals; d) Rape or other sexual violence against children; e) Abduction of chil
dren; f) Denial of humanitarian access to childr ...[+++]en". La Belgique répartit les moyens alloués entre deux types d'intervention: - soutien à des mécanismes de surveillance efficaces et mise en oeuvre de plans d'action en RCA, Somalie, RDC, aux Philippines, au Myanmar et au Soudan du Sud; - appui au siège de l'Unicef pour la mise en place effective à tous les niveaux du MRM.