directeur du développement de l'activité informatique | directrice du développement de l'activité informatique | responsable du développement de l'activité technologies de l'information et de la communication | responsable informatique du développement commercial
concepteur de logiciels applicatifs | concepteur informatique | concepteur de logiciels d'application | concepteur de logiciels d'application/conceptrice de logiciels d'application
De gebeurtenissen van de laatste maanden in de Spaanse exclaves Ceuta en Melilla hebben eens te meer aangetoond dat "more development for less migration" nodig is.
Les événements des derniers mois dans les enclaves espagnoles de Ceuta et Melilla ont une fois de plus mis en avant la nécessité évidente: "more development for less migration".
De belangrijkste maatregelen in het voorgestelde tijdschema zijn hieronder samengevat : (zie tabel) EVOLUTION OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK BEFORE 1992 1987: ----- - Green Paper on Telecoms 1988: ----- - Directive 88/301/EEC liberalising terminal equipments 1990: ----- - Directive 90/388/EEC liberalising all telecoms services except voice telephony for the public 1992: ----- - 1992 Review Communication TOWARDS THE LIBERALISATION OF TELECOMS 1993: ----- - Consultations on Review and communications - Green Paper on Mobile and Personal Communications 1993-1994-1995: --------------- - Accelerated adoption of proposals in fields of: - ONP voice - liberalisation of satellite communications - mutual recognition of licences - Further development of p ...[+++]rinciples of: - universal service - interconnection - access charges - licensing - Adaptation plans for accelerated development and special arrangements for peripheral regions and small or less developed networks 1993-1994-1995-1996-1997: ------------------------- - Examination of progress and structural adjustments in peripheral regions and small and less developed networks where specific difficulties are being experienced - with the possibility of a 2 year additional transition period before full liberalisation 1994: ----- - Use of alternative infrastructure for telecoms services already liberalised (subject to further studies) - Green Paper on future of public network telecommunications infra structure and Cable TV 1996-1997-1998: --------------- - Working out the framework for the regulation of public network infra structure following consultation on the Green Paper 1998: ----- - Full liberalisation of public voice telephony service * * *
Les principales étapes du programme proposé sont résumées ci-dessous : ANNEXE EVOLUTION OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK BEFORE 1992 1987: ----- - Green Paper on Telecoms 1988: ----- - Directive 88/301/EEC liberalising terminal equipments 1990: ----- - Directive 90/388/EEC liberalising all telecoms services except voice telephony for the public 1992: ----- - 1992 Review Communication TOWARDS THE LIBERALISATION OF TELECOMS 1993: ----- - Consultations on Review and communications - Green Paper on Mobile and Personal Communications 1993-1994-1995: --------------- - Accelerated adoption of proposals in fields of: - ONP voice - liberalisation of satellite communications - mutual recognition of licences - Further development of principles of: - univer ...[+++]sal service - interconnection - access charges - licensing - Adaptation plans for accelerated development and special arrangements for peripheral regions and small or less developed networks 1993-1994-1995-1996-1997: ------------------------- - Examination of progress and structural adjustments in peripheral regions and small and less developed networks where specific difficulties are being experienced - with the possibility of a 2 year additional transition period before full liberalisation 1994: ----- - Use of alternative infrastructure for telecoms services already liberalised (subject to further studies) - Green Paper on future of public network telecommunications infra structure and Cable TV 1996-1997-1998: --------------- - Working out the framework for the regulation of public network infra structure following consultation on the Green Paper 1998: ----- - Full liberalisation of public voice telephony service * * *
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