(402) Geciteerd in : « Illicit trafficking in arms, nuclear material, people and motor vehicles : the most important things we have learned and priorities for future study and research », Ernesto U. Savona, Working Paper nr. 23, mei 1998, online publicatie : http ://www.jus.unitn.it/transcrime/papers/wp23.html 2.1.1 Definitionofillicittraffickinginarms.
(402) Cité dans : Ernesto U. Savona, « Illicit trafficking in arms, nuclear material, people and motor vehicles : the most important things we have learned and priorities for future study and research 3 », Working Paper nº 23, mai 1998, publication en ligne : http ://www.jus.unitn.it/transcrime/papers/wp23.html 2.1.1 Definitionofillicittraffickinginarms.