Voor de DRC werden de volgende projecten gefinancierd: - National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) - Building the Capacity of the Agriculture Sector in DR Congo to Plan for and Respond to the Additional Threats Posed by Cli
mate Change on Food Production and Security - Improving Women and Children's Resilience and Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Resilience of Muan
da Communities from Coastal Erosion, Democratic Republic of Congo - Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Climate Service.
...[+++]6. Via het studie- en expertisefonds, kunnen de Congolese overheden dossiers indienen op het vlak van klimaatverandering.Pour la RDC les projets suivants ont été financés: - National Adaptation Programm e of Action (NAPA) - Building the Capacity of the Agriculture Sector in DR Congo to Plan for and Respond to the Additional Threats Posed by Cli
mate Change on Food Production and Security - Improving Women and Children's Resilience and Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Resilience of Muan
da Communities from Coastal Erosion, Democratic Republic of Congo - Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Climate Service. 6.
...[+++] À travers du Fonds d'Études et d'Expertises les autorités Congolaises peuvent introduire des dossiers en relation avec le changement climatique.