[4] Andere studies: UNHCR, "Asylum in the European Union, A study on the implementation of the Qualification Directive", november 2007 (het "UNHCR-onderzoek"); ELENA/ECRE, "The impact of the EU Qualification Directi
ve on International protection", oktober 2008; ECRE "Complementary Protection in Europe", juli 2009; France Terre d'Asile, "Asile La protection subsidiaire en Europe: Un mosaïque de droits", Les cahiers du social nr. 18, september 2008; Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland/ECRE "Networking on the Transposition of the Qualification Directive", december 2008; Universiteit Nijmegen, "The Qualification Directive: Central themes, Probl
...[+++]em issues, and Implementation in selected member states", Karin Zwaan (ed), 2007.[4] On peut citer parmi les autres études: HCR, «Asylum in the European Union, A study on the implementation of the Qualification Directive», novembre 2007 (l’«étude du HCR»); ELENA/ECRE, «The impact of the EU Qualification Directi
ve on International protection», octobre 2008; ECRE «Complementary Protection in Europe», juillet 2009; France Terre d'Asile, «Asile - La protection subsidiaire en Europe: une mosaïque de droits», Les cahiers du social n° 18, septembre 2008; Dutch Refugee Council/ECRE, «Networking on the Transposition of the Qualification Directive», décembre 2008; Nijmegen University, «The Qualification Directive: Central
...[+++] themes, Problem issues, and Implementation in selected MS», Karin Zwaan (éd.), 2007.