(c) Method of Analysis to determine 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-Diol in Food and Food Ingredients using Mass Spectrometric Detection, voorgelegd aan CEN TC 275 en AOAC International (ook beschikbaar als "Report of the Scientific Cooperation task 3.2.6: Provision of validated methods to support the Scientific Committee on Food's recommendations regarding 3-MCPD in hydrolysed protein and other foods").
(c) Method of Analysis to determine 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-Diol in Food and Food Ingredients using Mass Spectrometric Detection, submitted to CEN TC 275 and AOAC International (également disponible comme "Report of the Scientific Cooperation task 3.2.6: Provision of validated methods to support the Scientific Committee on Food's recommendations regarding 3-MCPD in hydrolysed protein and other foods").