De SLM werd gevraagd advies te verlenen over: A. Differentiate among types of peace operation, e.g.: i) Be limited to only those operations under a United Nations Security Council (UNS
C) mandate that are delivered by the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations, or ii) Also include UNSC mandated peacekeeping operations that
are delivered by a regional organisation, or iii) Further include peacekeeping operations mandated and carried out by regional organisations, B. .expand ODA eligibility definitions to allow the specified activities u
...[+++]nder paragraph footnote 1 also to be performed by the military from recipient countries.L'avis des hauts fonctionnaires a été sollicité pour les points suivants: A. Differentiate among types of peace operation, e.g: i) Be limited to only those operations under a United Nations Security Council (UNS
C) mandate that are delivered by the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations, or ii) Also include UNSC mandated peacekeeping operations that
are delivered by a regional organisation, or iii) Further include peacekeeping operations mandated and carried out by regional organisations, B. .expand ODA eligibility definitions to allow
...[+++] the specified activities under paragraph footnote 1 also to be performed by the military from recipient countries.