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Act opbouwen
Act samenstellen
Cyclus van voortdurende verbeteringen
Federal Immission Control Act
Optreden samenstellen
Small Business Act
Small Business Act voor Europa

Traduction de «the acts » (Néerlandais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Act/Act-conventie | actual/actual

convention nombre exact/nombre exact | nombre exact de jours/nombre exact de jours

act samenstellen | act opbouwen | optreden samenstellen

créer un numéro

Small Business Act voor Europa | Small Business Act | SBA [Abbr.]

initiative relative aux PME ( Small Business Act ) | Un «Small Business Act» pour l'Europe | SBA [Abbr.]

Federal Immission Control Act

loi fédérale sur le contrôle de l'immission

passagier van terreinvoertuig of ander 'off-the-road'-motorvoertuig gewond bij verkeersongeval

Passager d'un véhicule tout-terrain ou autre véhicule à moteur essentiellement conçu pour être utilisé hors d'une route, blessé dans un accident de la circulation

inzittende van speciaal terreinvoertuig of ander motorvoertuig primair ontworpen voor gebruik 'off-the-road', gewond bij vervoersongeval

Occupant d'un véhicule spécial tout-terrain ou autre véhicule à moteur essentiellement conçu pour être utilisé hors d'une route, blessé dans un accident de transport

bestuurder van terreinvoertuig of ander 'off-the-road'-motorvoertuig gewond bij verkeersongeval

Conducteur d'un véhicule tout-terrain ou autre véhicule à moteur essentiellement conçu pour être utilisé hors d'une route, blessé dans un accident de la circulation

cyclus van voortdurende verbeteringen (nom masculin) | Demingcirkel (nom masculin) | PDCA-cyclus (nom masculin) | plan-do-check-act-cyclus (nom masculin)

cycle d'amélioration continue | cycle de Deming | cycle PDCA | roue de Deming

below-the-linemethode | BLT-methode

technique hors média | below the line | technique hors médias

Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 4 : Intrinsic characteristics - In situ values of sound diffraction under direct sound field

Applications ferroviaires - Voie - Dispositifs de réduction du bruit - Méthode d'essai pour la détermination des performances acoustiques - Partie 4 : Caractéristiques intrinsèques - Valeurs in situ de la diffraction acoustique dans des conditions de champ acoustique direct

ACTED, Adra, Concern Worldwide, COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale, Croix Rouge, DanChurchAid, Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Finn Church Aid (FCA), Handicap International, HOPE’87, International Medical Corps, Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie (IOM), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Lutherse Wereldfederatie, Norwegian Refugee Council, Plan International, Plan Spain, SOS Kinderdorf, Save the Children, Terre des hommes, Triangle, Hoge Commissaris van de Verenigde Naties voor de vluchtelingen (UNHCR), Kinderfonds van de Verenigde Naties (Unicef) en War Child.

ACTED, Adra, Comité international de secours (IRC), Concern Worldwide, COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale, Croix Rouge, DanChurchAid, Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Fédération luthérienne mondiale, Finn Church Aid (FCA), Fonds des Nations unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF), Handicap International, Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), HOPE’87, International Medical Corps, Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), Norwegian Refugee Council, Plan International, Plan Spain, SOS Kinderdorf, Save the Children, Terre des hommes, Triangle et War Child.

Met trots kondigt het Nationaal Instituut voor Criminalistiek en Criminologie aan dat het actief heeft bijgedragen aan de Guidelines for the Forensic analysis of the drugs facilitating sexual assault and other criminal acts.

C'est avec fierté que l'Institut national de Criminalistique et de Criminologie a annoncé sa participation active à la rédaction des Guidelines for the Forensic analysis of the drugs facilitating sexual assault and other criminal acts.

(47) Intelligence Services Act, 1994, artikel 1 luidt als volgt : The Secret Intelligence Service 1.-(1) There shall continue to be a Secret Intelligence Service (in this Act referred to as « the Intelligence Service » under the authority of the Secretary of State; and, subject to subsection (2) below, its functions shall be ­ : a) to obtain and provide information relating to the actions or intentions of persons outside the British Islands; and b) to perform other tasks relating to the actions or intentions of such persons (2) The functions of the Intelligence Service shall be exercisable only : a) in the interests of national securit ...[+++]

(47) L'article premier de l'Intelligence Services Act, 1994, est rédigé comme suit : The Secret Intelligence Service 1.-(1) There shall continue to be a Secret Intelligence Service (in this Act referred to as « the Intelligence Service » under the authority of the Secretary of State; and, subject to subsection (2) below, its functions shall be ­ : a) to obtain and provide information relating to the actions or intentions of persons outside the British Islands; and b) to perform other tasks relating to the actions or intentions of such persons (2) The functions of the Intelligence Service shall be exercisable only : a) in the interests ...[+++]

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COSAC expresses its concern that the view of the Commission and the Council as to what constitutes a « draft legislative act » would exclude from the scrutiny of national Parliaments under Protocol (No 2) certain legislative acts which are legislative in substance and could raise issues of subsidiarity.

La COSAC exprime sa préoccupation vis-à-vis de la vision de la Commission et du Conseil sur ce que constitue un « projet d'acte législatif », qui pourrait exclure de l'examen des Parlements nationaux sous le Protocole 2 certains actes juridiques qui sont législatifs dans le fond et qui pourraient ainsi soulever des problèmes de subsidiarité.

Nieuw-Zeeland (Artikel 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), Canada (Artikel 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability) en Zuid-Afrika (artikel 8,3) voorzi ...[+++]

La Constitution néo-zélandaise (Article 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), la Constitution canadienne (Article 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability ...[+++]

Maar dit is ook uitdrukkelijk het geval met betrekking tot vrouwen in onder meer de Zweedse Grondwet (Artikel 16 : No Act of law or other statutory instrument may entail the discrimination of any citizen on grounds of sex, unless the relevant provision forms part of efforts to bring about equality between men and women or relates to compulsory military service or any corresponding compulsory national service), de Indische Grondwet (Artikel 12(4) : Nothing in this Article shall prevent special provision being made by law, subordinate legislation or executive action for the advancement of women, children or disabled persons) en de Finse Gr ...[+++]

Mais pour ce qui est des femmes, ce principe figure aussi, notamment, dans la Constitution suédoise (Article 16 : No Act of law or other statutory instrument may entail the discrimination of any citizen on grounds of sex, unless the relevant provision forms part of efforts to bring about equality between men and women or relates to compulsory military service or any corresponding compulsory national service), la Constitution indienne (Article 12(4) : Nothing in this Article shall prevent special provision being made by law, subordinate legislation or executive action for the advancement of women, children or disabled persons) et dans la ...[+++]

— Stress that it is essential that the EU member countries act as partners to use the opportunity provided by the CSW 49th session for a full, unequivocal and universal reaffirmation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome document of the 23rd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations and to review and appraise progress made since Beijing and Beijing +5, to identify obstacles and current challenges and agree on the following actions and initiatives to further implement and promote equality between women and men.

— soulignons qu'il est essentiel que les États membres de l'UE agissent en partenaires afin de profiter de la 49e session de la Commission sur la condition de la femme pour réaffirmer pleinement, sans équivoque et unanimement leur engagement en faveur de la Déclaration et de la Plate-forme d'action de Pékin ainsi que des textes issus de la 23 session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, pour procéder à un examen et une évaluation des progrès réalisés depuis Pékin et Pékin +5, pour identifier les obstacles et les défis actuels et pour convenir des prochaines actions et initiatives à adopter en vue de poursuivre la mis ...[+++]

As stated in the June 2003 conclusions of the European Council (Greek Presidency), and following the war, the adoption of UNSC Resolution 1483 demonstrates a new spirit of co-operation within the international community and provides the basis for effective international support for Iraq's political transition as the international community is facing the emergency of actively supporting the restoration of political authority in the failed state of Iraq - where increased insecurity, acts of terrorism and violations of human rihgts have been constant over the last months, leaving behind thousands of casualties, both military and civilians- ...[+++]

As stated in the June 2003 conclusions of the European Council (Greek Presidency), and following the war, the adoption of UNSC Resolution 1483 demonstrates a new spirit of co-operation within the international community and provides the basis for effective international support for Iraq's political transition as the international community is facing the emergency of actively supporting the restoration of political authority in the failed state of Iraq - where increased insecurity, acts of terrorism and violations of human rihgts have been constant over the last months, leaving behind thousands of casualties, both military and civilians- ...[+++]

ten aanzien van het Verenigd Koninkrijk: "incorporated companies limited by shares or by guarantee or unlimited", "societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts", "societies registered or incorporated under the Friendly Societies Acts", "the association of underwriters known as Lloyd's".

pour le Royaume-Uni: incorporated companies limited by shares or by guarantee or unlimited societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, societies registered or incorporated under the Friendly Societies Acts, association de souscripteurs connue sous le nom de "Lloyd's".

D'autres ont cherché : act act-conventie     at-the-money     blt-methode     demingcirkel     federal immission control act     pdca-cyclus     small business act     small business act voor europa     act opbouwen     act samenstellen     actual actual     optreden samenstellen     the acts     

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