In so doing, the Court is guided by the Member States' shared constitutional traditions and the principles laid down in the international treaties on human rights which the Member States have jointly drawn up or to which they have subscribed (see, in particular, the Court's judgment of 12 June 2003, in case C-112/00, Schmidberger, reports p. I-5659, point 71, and the case law cited therein, and its judgment of 10 July 2003, in cases C-20/00 and C-64/00, Booker Aquaculture and Hydro Seafood, reports p. I-7411, point 65, and the case law cited therein.
À cet effet, elle s'inspire des traditions constitutionnelles communes aux États membres ainsi que des indications fournies par les instruments internationaux concernant la protection des droits de l'homme auxquels les États membres ont coopéré ou adhéré (voir, notamment, les arrêts du 12 juin 2003 dans l'affaire C-112/00, Schmidberger, point 71, et du 10 juillet 2003 dans les affaires jointes C-20/00 et C-64/00, Booker Aquaculture et Hydro Seafood, point 65, et la jurisprudence citée).