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20th century
21st century
Art history
Artistic trends throughout centuries
Century retention test
Date retention test
Educating girls and women for the 21st century
European human capital at the dawn of the 21st century
Health Protection Program - Vision for the 21st Century
Health Protection for the 21st Century
History of art
History of art and its artists
RTC Century byte retention test
Retention test
Twentieth century
Twenty-first century
XXIst century
XXth century

Traduction de «21st century » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
21st century | XXIst century | twenty-first century

21e siècle | XXIe siècle | vingt et unième siècle

European human capital at the dawn of the 21st century | Human Resources in Europe at the Dawn of the 21st Century

capital humain européen à l'aube du XXIème siècle

Educating girls and women for the 21st century: its significance to Canada's economy [ Educating girls and women for the 21st century ]

La formation des filles et des femmes : son importance pour l'économie canadienne au XXIe siècle [ La formation des filles et des femmes ]

Health Protection for the 21st Century [ Health Protection Program - Vision for the 21st Century ]

Protection de la santé pour le 21e siècle [ Protection de la santé pour le XXIe siècle | Protection de la santé pour le XXIe siècle - Le renouvellement du programme fédéral de la protection de la santé ]

Cities Without Cars: An Exploration of how Two of Canada's Large Urban Regions Might Cope with the Disappearance of the Private Automobile in the Early Part of the 21st Century: Report on Phase 1, Focus on Land Use and Transportation: Including Report of [ Cities Without Cars: An Exploration of how Two of Canada's Large Urban Regions Might Cope with the Disappearance of the Private Automobile in the Early Part of the 21st Century ]

Cities Without Cars: An Exploration of how Two of Canada's Large Urban Regions Might Cope With the Disappearance of the Private Automobile in the Early Part of the 21st Century: Report on Phase 1, Focus on Land Use and Transportation: Including Report of [ Cities Without Cars: An Exploration of how Two of Canada's Large Urban Regions Might Cope with the Disappearance of the Private Automobile in the Early Part of the 21st Century ]

symposium on Euro-Arab cultural relations at the approach of the 21st century

symposium sur les relations culturelles euro-arabes au seuil du vingt et unième siècle

White Paper on Growth, competitiveness and employment - the challenges and ways forward into the 21st century

livre blanc Croissance, compétitivité, emploi - Les défis et les pistes pour entrer dans le XXIe siècle

20th century | XXth century | twentieth century

20e siècle | XXe siècle | vingtième siècle

RTC Century byte retention test | Century retention test | date retention test | retention test

test de conservation de date | test de maintien de date | test de maintien de la date

artistic trends throughout centuries | history of art | art history | history of art and its artists

histoire de l'art
EUROPA - EU law and publications - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex - 52006DC0848 - EN - Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - Renewable energy road map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future

EUROPA - EU law and publications - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex - 52006DC0848 - EN - Communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen - Feuille de route pour les sources d'énergie renouvelables - Les sources d'énergie renouvelables au 21e siècle: construire un avenir plus durable

Renewable Energy Road Map Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future

Feuille de route pour les sources d'énergie renouvelables

COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Renewable Energy Road Map Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future

COMMUNICATION DE LA COMMISSION AU CONSEIL ET AU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN Feuille de route pour les sources d'énergie renouvelables Les sources d'énergie renouvelables au 21e siècle: construire un avenir plus durable

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - Renewable energy road map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future

Communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen - Feuille de route pour les sources d'énergie renouvelables - Les sources d'énergie renouvelables au 21e siècle: construire un avenir plus durable

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I do not know if the 21st century will belong to Canada, but I do know something even more important: Canada belongs to the 21st century and Canada will be the place to be in the 21st century.

Je ne sais pas si le XXIe siècle appartiendra au Canada, mais je sais quelque chose d'encore plus important: le Canada appartient au XXIe siècle, et il fera bon vivre au Canada au XXIe siècle.

Part of the key to success will be recognizing what parts of the traditional Afghan system work well and will take Afghanistan into the 21st century and beyond, and where they need help to function as a 21st century state.

Pour connaître le succès, il faudra entre autres déterminer quelle partie du système afghan traditionnel fonctionne bien et va permettre à l'Afghanistan de s'adapter au XXI siècle et aux siècles à venir, ainsi que déterminer à quels égards l'Afghanistan a besoin d'aide pour fonctionner comme un État du XXIsiècle.

EUROPA - EU law and publications - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex - l70004 - EN - A single market for 21st century Europe

EUROPA - EU law and publications - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex - l70004 - EN - Un marché unique pour l'Europe du 21e siècle

The 20th Century was, therefore, the century of science and technology, but all the signs are that this will apply even more to the 21st Century.

Si le 20e siècle a ainsi été le siècle de la science et de la technologie, tout indique que le 21e siècle qui s'ouvre le sera davantage encore.

Mr. Jack Granatstein, Chair, Council for Canadian Defence and Security in the 21st Century: Honourable senators, the Council for Canadian Security in the 21st Century, or CCS21, is now about one year old. It was founded by Professor David Bercuson, of the centre for military and strategic studies of the University of Calgary, to make the case for a defence review.

M. Jack Granatstein, président, Conseil pour la sécurité canadienne au XXI siècle: Honorables sénateurs, le Conseil pour la sécurité canadienne au XXIsiècle a été fondé, il y a bientôt un an, par le professeur David Bercuson du Centre d'études militaires et stratégiques de l'Université de Calgary dans le but de promouvoir la révision de la politique de défense.

I rise today to congratulate the Minister of Finance on budget 2000, the first budget of the 21st century and the next step in the government's balanced and comprehensive plan to make Canada the place to be in the 21st century.

Je profite de l'occasion pour féliciter le ministre des Finances pour le budget de 2000, le premier budget du XXIe siècle et la première étape vers la réalisation du plan équilibré et exhaustif visant à faire du Canada l'endroit où il fait bon vivre au XXIe siècle.

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Date index: 2022-06-18