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Ability to contract marriage
Ability to enter into a marriage contract
Ability to enter into marriage
Capacity to contract marriage
Capacity to enter into a marriage contract
Capacity to enter into marriage
Contract entered into by direct agreement
Enter into a contract
Inability to contract marriage
Inability to enter into a marriage contract
Inability to enter into marriage
Incapacity to contract marriage
Incapacity to enter into a marriage contract
Incapacity to enter into marriage
Law of the place where the contract was entered into
Make a contract
Offer to enter into a contract
To extend an offer to enter into a contract
To make an offer to enter into a contract
To revoke the offer to enter into a contract

Vertaling van "Ability to enter into a marriage contract " (Engels → Frans) :

ability to contract marriage [ ability to enter into a marriage contract | ability to enter into marriage | capacity to contract marriage | capacity to enter into a marriage contract | capacity to enter into marriage ]

capacité de contracter mariage

inability to contract marriage [ inability to enter into a marriage contract | inability to enter into marriage | incapacity to contract marriage | incapacity to enter into a marriage contract | incapacity to enter into marriage ]

incapacité de contracter mariage

to make an offer to enter into a contract (1) | to extend an offer to enter into a contract (2)

proposer la conclusion d'un contrat (1) | faire une proposition de contrat (2)

enter into a contract [ make a contract ]

conclure un contrat [ passer un contrat ]

offer | offer to enter into a contract

offre de contracter | offre | pollicitation | proposition | proposition de contrat

to revoke the offer to enter into a contract

révoquer l'offre

law of the place where the contract was entered into

loi du lieu de conclusion du contrat

contract entered into by direct agreement

marché par entente directe
* In Denmark mentoring schemes for minority ethnic women have been set up targeting young women who enter into forced marriages and lose contact with their families and support network.

* Au Danemark, des programmes d'encadrement pour les femmes appartenant à des minorités ethniques ont été instaurés et ciblent les femmes mariées contre leur gré qui perdent le contact avec leur famille et leur réseau de soutien.

If we have the necessary capacity to enter into a contract in the general sense of the term, we can also enter into a marriage contract in the same way.

Si on nous reconnaît la capacité de former des contrats au sens général du terme, alors pourquoi devenons-nous incapables de contracter le mariage de la même façon?

It has the ability to enter into long-term contracts with those international buyers, and there is a reliability of supply that flows out of that.

Elle peut conclure des marchés à long terme avec les acheteurs internationaux, et l'approvisionnement est fiable.

an indication of whether the deceased had entered into a marriage contract or into a contract regarding a relationship which may have comparable effects to marriage; if neither the original nor a copy of the contract is appended, an indication regarding the location of the original.

une indication concernant la conclusion ou non, par le défunt, d'un contrat de mariage ou d'un contrat relatif à une relation pouvant avoir des effets comparables au mariage; lorsque ni l'original ni une copie du contrat ne sont joints, l'indication de la localisation de l'original.

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(j)an indication of whether the deceased had entered into a marriage contract or into a contract regarding a relationship which may have comparable effects to marriage; if neither the original nor a copy of the contract is appended, an indication regarding the location of the original.

j)une indication concernant la conclusion ou non, par le défunt, d'un contrat de mariage ou d'un contrat relatif à une relation pouvant avoir des effets comparables au mariage; lorsque ni l'original ni une copie du contrat ne sont joints, l'indication de la localisation de l'original.

WHEREAS the institution of marriage has been firmly grounded in Canada's social and legal tradition and reflects the biological reality uniquely characteristic of the sexual union of a man and a woman who, by their ability to procreate, are able to give birth to children; AND WHEREAS Parliament has historically provided a measure of support to married couples and to the obligations that flow from entering into a marriag ...[+++]

Attendu : que l'institution du mariage est fermement enracinée dans la tradition sociale et juridique du Canada et qu'elle est le reflet de la réalité biologique qui caractérise de manière unique l'union sexuelle d'un homme et d'une femme qui, par leur capacité de procréer, sont en mesure de mettre au monde des enfants; que, le mariage étant l'institution généralement reconnue pour l'éducation et le développement des enfants, le Parlement a traditionnellement offert un soutien aux couples mariés et appuyé les obligations issues du mariage; que, avant que de récentes décisions judiciaires viennent semer le doute sur le sens de « mariage ...[+++]

The Handbook also recalls that, if the children involved are nationals of the host EU country, they benefit from additional protection under domestic and international laws prohibiting expulsion of own nationals or, in exceptional cases, deriving from case law of the Court of Justice on Union citizenship, if the removal of a non-EU parent who entered into a marriage of convenience would force the child to leave the host EU country[10] or the EU as a whole[11].

Le manuel rappelle également que, si les enfants concernés sont ressortissants de l'État membre d'accueil, ils bénéficient d'une protection supplémentaire en vertu des législations interne et internationale qui interdisent l'expulsion de ses propres ressortissants ou, dans des cas exceptionnels, en vertu de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice sur la citoyenneté de l'Union, dans le cas où l'éloignement d'un parent ressortissant d'un pays tiers qui a contracté un mariage de complaisance obligerait l'enfant à quitter l'État membre d'a ...[+++]

Where contracting parties decide to make changes in this regard or subcontract the processing operations that are the subject matter of the contract they shall be required to enter into a new contract which shall comply with the standard contractual clauses set out in the Annex.

Si les parties contractantes décident d’apporter des modifications à cet égard ou de sous-traiter les activités de traitement faisant l’objet du contrat, elles sont tenues de conclure un nouveau contrat conforme aux clauses contractuelles types figurant en annexe.

What we have with this situation is that native women entering into a marriage contract if it does not work out have a very vague system that they will be going into where they are not assured of having equal access to the matrimonial assets.

Cette situation fait que des femmes autochtones qui se marient et qui se séparent ensuite n'ont droit qu'à une protection très vague qui ne leur garantit pas un accès égal aux biens matrimoniaux.

I agree with the member that many people, I would suggest most people, when they enter into a marriage contract, do not think of it in terms of what one or the other can get.

Je suis d'accord avec le député que bien des gens, la majorité en fait, quand ils concluent un contrat de mariage, ne pensent pas à ce que l'un ou l'autre peut en retirer.

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Date index: 2022-02-26