6.1.4 For cottonseed with adherent linters, weigh to the nearest 0 701 g in the tared metal vessel (5.9) about 60 g of the sample for analysis without separation of impurities. Put the vessel and seed in the oven (5.4) previously heated to 130 °C and leave to dry for two hours at 130 ± 2 °C, then remove the vessel from the oven and allow to cool in air for about thirty minutes. Transfer the dried seed to the porous 1 See Annex II. ceramic vessel (5.10), the inside walls and base of which h
ave been previously moistened with 1 75 ml of concen
trated hydrochloric acid (4.4) by ...[+++]means of the pipette (5.12), taking care that the acid is completely absorbed without forming adherent drops.
graines ainsi desséchées dans le vase poreux en céramique (5.10) dont les parois intérieures et le fond ont été préalablement humectés avec 1,5 ml d'acide chlorhydrique concentré (4.4), à l'aide d'une pipette (5.12), en ayant soin que l'acide soit complètement absorbé sans former de gouttes adhérentes.