double aveugle | épreuve à double insu | essai à double insu | essai en double anonymat | essai en double insu | essai en double-aveugle | test doublement anonyme
essai à double insu | essai en double insu | essai en double anonymat | essai en double aveugle | essai thérapeutique à double insu | étude à double insu
Prevent Blindness America [ National Society to Prevent Blindness | National Society for the Prevention of Blindness | National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness | New York State Committee for the Prevention of Blindness | American Medical Association for the Conservation of Vision | ]
Prevent Blindness America [ National Society to Prevent Blindness | National Society for the Prevention of Blindness | National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness | New York State Committee for the Prevention of Blindness | American Medical Association for the Conservation of Vision | ]
Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2-97: Particular requirements for drives for rolling shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipment
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues — Sécurité — Partie 2-97: Règles particulières pour les motorisations de volets, stores, rideaux et équipements enroulables analogues
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