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Atmospheric backward scatter
Atmospheric backward scattering
Audio response unit
Back diffusion
Back radiation
Back scatter
Back scattering
Back vocal
Back vocals
Back warp
Back weft
Back-to-back arrangements
Back-to-back operations
Back-up vocals
Background singer
Background vocalist
Backing singer
Backing vocal
Backing vocalist
Backing vocals
Backing warp
Backing weft
Backup singer
Backup vocals
Backward scatter
Backward scattering
Blank transactions
Concave back
Dipped back
Sagging back
Sway back
Use back-up and recovery software
Use back-up and recovery tools
Use recovery tools
Vocal background
Vocal harmonies
Vocal harmony
Vocal unit
Voice answer-back unit

Traduction de «Backing vocal » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
back vocals | backup | backing vocals | vocal background | background | harmony | vocal harmonies | vocal harmony

harmonies vocales | accompagnement vocal

backup singer | backing vocal | back vocal | backing vocalist | backing singer | background singer | background vocalist

choriste | back vocal

back-up vocals [ backup vocals ]

chanteurs d'arrière-scène [ accompagnement vocal d'arrière-scène ]

audio response unit | ARU | vocal unit | voice answer-back unit

unité de réponse vocale | unité à réponse vocale

Integration of AI, vocal I/O and NL dialogue — application to directory services | Integration of artificial intelligence, vocal I/O and natural language dialogue: application to directory services | Integration of artificial intelligence, vocal input-output and natural language dialog —application to directory services | PALABRE [Abbr.]

intégration de l'IA,l'interface vocale et le dialogue en LN-application aux services de l'annuaire | PALABRE [Abbr.]

back warp | back weft | backing warp | backing weft

chaîne de fond | trame de fond

back-to-back arrangements | back-to-back operations | blank transactions

opération blanche | opération face à face | opération face-à-face

back-up and recovery tools using, use back-up tools | use back-up and recovery software | use back-up and recovery tools | use recovery tools

utiliser des outils de sauvegarde et de récupération

saddle-back [ hollow-back | sway-back | dipped back | swayback | sway back | sagging back | concave back ]

dos négligé [ dos creux | dos concave | dos ensellé ]

atmospheric backward scattering [ atmospheric backward scatter | backward scattering | backscattering | back scattering | back-scattering | backward scatter | back scatter | backscatter | back-scatter | back radiation | back diffusion ]

rétrodiffusion [ rétrodiffusion atmosphérique | retour d'onde réfléchie | diffusion par l'arrière | diffusion arrière | réflexion ]
He said that his morals would preclude him from buying back into a pension plan that he and many of his colleagues, including the hon. member from Edmonton North, have criticized vocally, used as an election platform, and told anyone who would listen how awful it was that the plan was accepted.

Il a dit que ses principes moraux l'empêcheraient de réintégrer le régime de pensions que lui-même et bon nombre de ses collègues, y compris la députée d'Edmonton-Nord, ont bruyamment critiqué et en ont fait un élément de leur programme électoral. Ils ont dit à qui voulait bien les entendre qu'il était épouvantable que ce régime ait été accepté.

People are starting to think about their plan B. All those women who have been vocal, MPs and women's rights activists know they will be the first to be killed if a Taliban government comes back into power.

Ils commencent à penser à leur plan B. Toutes les femmes qui ont parlé haut et fort, les députées et les militantes des droits des femmes savent qu'elles seront les premières tuées si un gouvernement taliban revient au pouvoir.

There are some who disagree and are quite vocal in their disagreement, but as a Torontonian I can't believe Canada's largest city, which has had a long port tradition and still has very good facilities, a very good draft for bringing in boats, would at this time turn its back on a very efficient and environmentally sound method of transportation.

Certains s'y opposent énergiquement mais en tant que Torontois, je n'arrive pas à croire que la plus grande ville du Canada, qui a une longue tradition portuaire et des installations encore très acceptables, un très bon tirant d'eau pour les navires, refuserait aujourd'hui un mode de transport très efficace et respectueux de l'environnement.

I wish to point out to Canadians that Bill C-478 on increasing parole ineligibility is nothing more than the Conservative government’s nth attempt to introduce measures to amend the Criminal Code by means of private member’s bills from the back benches, which are in fact very vocal at the moment.

Dans le cas qui nous occupe, à savoir le projet de loi C-478 portant sur la prolongation du délai préalable à la libération conditionnelle, il m'importe d'indiquer aux citoyens que cette initiative n'est en réalité qu'une énième tentative du gouvernement conservateur de présenter des mesures visant à modifier le Code criminel par le biais de projets de loi privés mis en avant par des députés d'arrière-ban, qui font d'ailleurs du bruit en ce moment.

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This is what is going on with the Quebec Bridge. I would like to have heard the member for Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier on this issue, since he used to be quite vocal about his suggestions on a radio talk show back in the day.

J'aurais bien voulu entendre le député de Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier là-dessus, lui qui a souvent donné des suggestions à très haute voix dans une tribune radiophonique, à l'époque.

A few months back, during the election campaign for this Parliament, the people heading the list of candidates of almost all the Dutch parties were quite vocal in saying that Mr Bolkestein should not be permitted to become a Member of the Commission.

Il y a quelques mois, pendant la campagne électorale pour ce Parlement, les têtes de liste de pratiquement tous les partis néerlandais affirmaient que Bolkestein ne devait en aucun cas devenir membre de la Commission européenne.

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Date index: 2023-02-19