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Bail-and-parole reporting center
Bail-and-parole reporting centre

Vertaling van "Bail-and-parole reporting centre " (Engels → Frans) :

bail-and-parole reporting centre [ bail-and-parole reporting center ]

centre de cautionnement et de libération conditionnelle
By contrast, well supervised probation or release, bail options, reporting centres, practical assistance, supportive housing, programs that promote accountability, respect and reparation: these measures have all been well-established, but they are underfunded.

Par opposition, les possibilités de libérations sous cautions, la surveillance dans la communauté, les centres de contrôle, l’aide concrète, le logement de soutien, les programmes destinés à favoriser la responsabilité, le respect et la réparation, sont des mesures qui ont fait leurs preuves mais qui sont sous-financées.

The Prime Minister quoted a police report which shows that, out of about 1,000 crimes involving guns or restricted weapons, some 40% may have been committed by individuals who were on parole, bail, probation or temporary absence.

Le premier ministre cite un rapport de police qui démontre que sur environ 1 000 crimes impliquant des armes à feu ou des armes à utilisation restreinte, environ 40 p. 100 auraient été commis par une personne en liberté conditionnelle, en libération sous caution, en probation ou en absence temporaire.

Be that as it may, the bill takes the core responsibilities of the Department of Solicitor General, the Office of Critical Infrastructure and Emergency Preparedness, and the National Crime Prevention Centre, as well as establishing that the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness is the person to whom “entities for which the minister is responsible”, such as the RCMP, CSIS, Correctional Service Canada, National Parole Board, the Canadian Firearms Centre and the Canada Border Services Agency, report through to Parliament.

Quoi qu'il en soit, le projet de loi regroupe les principales responsabilités du ministère du Solliciteur général, du Bureau des infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile et du Centre national de prévention du crime. En outre, il précise que le ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile est la personne à qui les « entités dont il est responsable », notamment la GRC, le SCRS, le Service correctionnel du Canada, la Commission nationale des libérations conditionnelles, le Centre des armes à feu Canada et l'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada, rendent compte par le truchement du Parlement.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canadian Grain Commission Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Canadian Heritage Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Canada National Archives of Canada The National Battlefields Commission National Film Board National Library of Canada Parks Canada Public Service Commission of Canada Status of Women Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Immigration and Refugee Board Environment Canada Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Department of Finance Canada Office of the Auditor General of Canada Canadian International Trade Tribunal Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre ...[+++]Canada Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canadian International Development Agency NAFTA Secretariat-Canadian Section Northern Pipeline Agency Canada Health Canada Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Research Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada Human Resources Development Canada Canada Industrial Relations Board Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canadian Polar Commission Industry Canada Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Canadian Space Agency Competition Tribunal Copyright Board Canada Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions National Research Council Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Statistics Canada Western Economic Diversification Canada Department of Justice Canada Canadian Human Rights Commission Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Registry of the Federal Court of Canada Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners Law Commission of Canada Supreme Court of Canada Ta ...

Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments Commission canadienne des grains Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada Patrimoine canadien Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes Archives nationales du Canada Commission des champs de bataille nationaux Office national du film Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Parcs Canada Commission de la fonction publique du Canada Condition féminine Canada Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié Environnement Canada Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale Ministère des Finances Canada Bureau du Vérificateur général du Canada Tribunal canadien du commerce extérieur ...[+++]

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Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Atomic Energy Control Board Canada Labour Relations Board Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal Canadian Centre for Management Development Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Canadian Heritage Canadian Human Rights Commission Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat Canadian International Development Agency Canadian International Trade Tribunal Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadian Space Agency Citizenship and Immigration Canada Civil Aviation Tribun ...[+++]

Agriculture et agro-alimentaire Canada Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomique Conseil canadien des relations du travail Tribunal canadien des relations professionnelles artistes- producteurs Centre canadien de gestion Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale Patrimoine canadien Commission canadienne des droits de la personne Secrétariat des conférences intergouvernementales canadiennes Agence canadienne de développement international Tribunal canadien du commerce extérieur Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunicat ...[+++]

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Date index: 2023-03-27