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American Cave & Karst Center
American Cave Conservation Association
Automatic teller machine
Balance with banks at sight
Bank caving
Bank of issue
Banking operation
Banking services
Banking transaction
Banks'account on term
Break down
Cash dispenser
Cave and Basin National Historic Site
Cave and Basin National Historic Site of Canada
Cave in
Central bank
Deposit with banks at sight
Due from banks on demand
Due from banks on sight
Due from banks-at sight or within one month
Due from banks-one month or less
Due to bank at term
Due to banks at fixed dates
Due to banks on time
Due to banks-more than one month
Due to banks-term
Electronic banking
Fall in
Federal bank
Home and office banking service
Home banking
Internet banking
National bank
Online banking
Self-service bank
Sight-deposit with banks
Streambank erosion
Time deposit from banks

Traduction de «Bank caving » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
bank caving | streambank erosion

anse d'érosion | arrachement de berge

banking [ banking operation | banking services | banking transaction ]

activité bancaire [ opération bancaire | service bancaire ]

electronic banking [ ATM | auto-bank | automatic teller machine | cash dispenser | HOBS | home and office banking service | home banking | internet banking | online banking | self-service bank ]

bancatique [ banque à domicile | banque en ligne | banque libre-service | banque sur Internet | distributeur automatique de billets | guichet automatique de banque | télépaiement | vidéocompte ]

central bank [ bank of issue | federal bank | national bank ]

banque centrale [ banque d'émission | banque fédérale | banque nationale ]

banks'account on term | due to bank at term | due to banks at fixed dates | due to banks on time | due to banks-more than one month | due to banks-term | liabilities to banks for periods of more than one month | time deposit from banks

engagement en banque à terme | engagement envers les banques à terme

balance with banks at sight | balance with banks-payable on demand or for periods up to one month | deposit with banks at sight | due from banks on demand | due from banks on sight | due from banks-at sight or within one month | due from banks-one month or less | sight-deposit with banks

avoir en banque à vue

American Cave Conservation Association [ ACCA | American Cave & Karst Center ]

American Cave Conservation Association [ ACCA | American Cave & Karst Center ]

Cave and Basin National Historic Site of Canada [ Cave and Basin National Historic Site ]

lieu historique national du Canada Cave and Basin [ lieu historique national Cave and Basin ]

cave [ cave in | break down | fall in | collapse | subside ]

s'affaisser [ s'effondrer | s'ébouler ]
Banks are not some enormous monster in a cave.

Les banques ne sont pas un monstre énorme tapi dans une grotte.

In Canada, when the banks come calling, the finance department and its various political flunkeys in the Liberal Party fall over themselves to co-operate and basically they cave in.

Au Canada, lorsque les banques demandent de l'aide, le ministère des Finances et ses divers laquais du Parti libéral font des pieds et des mains pour collaborer, et ils cèdent.

(Return tabled) Question No. 978 Hon. Judy Sgro: With regard to national parks and historic sites, what was the total employment during the 2012 operating season, broken down by full-time, part-time and seasonal employees, for each of the following parks and sites: Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin, Alberta; Athabasca Pass, Alberta; Banff, Alberta; Banff Park Museum, Alberta; Bar U Ranch, Alberta; Cave and Basin, Alberta; Elk Island, Alberta; First Oil Well in Western Canada, Alberta; Frog Lake, Alberta; Howse Pass, Alberta; Jasper, A ...[+++]

(Le document est déposé) Question n 978 L'hon. Judy Sgro: En ce qui concerne les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, quel a été le nombre total d’emplois durant la saison touristique de 2012, répartis par employés à temps plein, à temps partiel et saisonniers, pour chacun des parcs et des lieux suivants: Refuge du Col-Abbot (Alberta); Col Athabasca (Alberta); Banff (Alberta); Musée du Parc-Banff (Alberta); Ranch Bar U (Alberta); Cave and Basin (Alberta); Elk Island (Alberta); Premier-Puits-de-Pétrole-de-l'Ouest-Canadien (Alberta); Lac-La Grenouille (Alberta); Col-Howse (Alberta); Jasper (Alberta); Jasper House ...[+++]

He knows full well that in spite of all the talk the Minister of Finance is doing about being concerned about this and that and we should feel challenged by this, the government will cave in and will give those banks the old nod.

Il sait pertinemment que, même si le ministre des Finances se dit préoccupé par ceci et cela et même s'il prétend que nous devrions voir là une provocation, le gouvernement va céder et donner le feu vert à ces banques, comme il l'a toujours fait.

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Date index: 2024-01-19