39. Where notice to bargain collectively has been given, any term or condition of employment applicable to the employees in the bargaining unit in respect of which the notice was given that may be embodied in a collective agreement and that was in force on the day the notice was given shall remain in force and shall be observed by the employer affected, the bargaining agent for the bargaining unit and the employees in the bargaining unit, except as otherwise provided by any agreement in that behalf that may be entered into by the employer and the bargaining agent, until such time as
39. Sauf entente à l’effet contraire entre l’employeur et l’agent négociateur, toute condition d’emploi pouvant figurer dans une convention collective et encore en vigueur au moment où l’avis de négocier a été donné continue de lier les parties aux négociations, y compris les employés de l’unité de négociation :