On responsibility for risk assessment of chemicals, the Commissioner said: "In the future, the chemicals industry will be responsible for generating and providing the necessary information about their own products in line with corporate responsibility". Illustrating how the authorisation requirements in REACH have been strengthened to maximise protection of human health and the environment Mrs Wallström explained: "REACH now requires that specific uses of high-concern substances, such as PBTs persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic pollutants - and vPvBs - very persistent and very bio-accumulative substances will have to be authorised.
Illustrant comment les exigences en matière d'autorisation fixées dans le système REACH ont été renforcées pour maximiser la protection de la santé des personnes et de l'environnement, Mme Wallström explique que «le système REACH exigera dorénavant une autorisation pour les utilisations spécifiques de substances hautement préoccupantes, telles que les PBT (polluants persistants, bio-accumulables et toxiques) et les vPvB (substances très persistantes et très bio-accumulables).