My understanding was that there were three targets to be achieved by 2015, including increasing the proportion of Canadians who make healthy food choices by 20 per cent, the proportion of Canadians who participate in regular physical activity also by 20 per cent and the proportion of Canadians of normal body weight, based on the body mass index or BMI, also by a 20 per cent target.
Je crois comprendre qu'elle comporte trois objectifs à atteindre d'ici 2015, soit augmenter de 20 p. 100 la proportion de Canadiens qui font des choix alimentaires sains, augmenter de 20 p. 100 la proportion de Canadiens qui pratiquent régulièrement une activité physique et augmenter, aussi de 20 p. 100, la proportion des Canadiens ayant un poids normal, selon l'indice de masse corporelle ou l'IMC.