represents a large number of other individuals from B.C. Transit, Cycling B.C., the Automotive Retail Association, Registered Nurses Association of B.C., the Business & Professional Woman's Clubs of B.C. and Yukon, the B.C. Safety Council, the Vancouver Police Department, the B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Chinese Advisory Board, the Youth Advisory Committee BC, B.C. Trucking Association, Young Drivers of Canada, the B.C. Chamber of Commerce, and the Consumers Associat
ion of Canada, B.C. ...[+++]Branch.
Il représente bon nombre de personnes des organismes suivants: B.C. Transit, Cycling B.C., Automotive Retail Association, Registered Nurses Association of B.C., Business & Professional Woman's Clubs of B.C. and Yukon, B.C. Safety Council, Vancouver Police Department, B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists, Chinese Advisory Board, Youth Advisory Committee BC, B.C. Trucking Association, Young Drivers of Canada, B.C. Chamber of Commerce et la section de la Colombie-Britannique de l'Association des consommateurs du Canada.