At the community college, under the same governance as the Corporation collège de Saint-Boniface, there were three programs in 1983: business administration, with 47 enrollments; bilingual secretarial skills, which also had 47 enrollments; and an oral French program, which was designed for anglophones who wanted to improve their knowledge of the language, and there we had a total of 770 enrollments.
Au collègue communautaire sous la même gouvernance de la Corporation collège de Saint-Boniface, on offrait, en 1983, trois programmes: l'administration des affaires qui comptait 47 inscriptions; le secrétariat bilingue, qui comptait lui aussi 47 inscriptions; et un programme de français oral, un programme destiné à la clientèle anglophone qui voulait parfaire ses connaissances de la langue, pour un total de 770 inscriptions.