In fact, some 20 projects are now already under way. They include the expansion of the Canadian Red Cross project entitled “Walking the Prevention Circle”; the Campbell River victim services initiative, which will look at reporting and responding to victimization; and a new edition of the Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia's resource booklet, entitled “Trust Your Instincts”.
En fait, une vingtaine de projets sont déjà en cours, y compris l'expansion du projet « La Tournée de la prévention » de la Croix-Rouge canadienne; l'initiative du programme de services aux victimes de Campbell River, qui s'occupera de signaler les actes de violence et d'intervenir pour y réagir; et la nouvelle édition du guide de ressources Trust Your Instincts de la Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia.