The difference is due to certain sums relating to the following programmes having been considered ineligible on the basis of a joint agreement between the Commission and the competent services of the Member State in question: the Community initiative Leader II, Energy, Research and Technology, Health, Education and Training, Public Administration, Community Initiative Urban, Interreg IIC–Drought, Technical Assistance, Community Initiative Programme Pesca and Private Infrastructures.
La différence est due au fait que certains mo
ntants relatifs aux programmes suivants ont été considérés com
me inéligibles d’un commun accord entre la Commission et les services compétents de l’Ét
at Membre concerné: Initiative communautaire Leader II, Energie, Recherche-Technologie, Santé, Education et Formation, Administration publique, Initiative communautaire Urban, Interreg IIC-Sécheresse, Assistance technique, Programme d’initi
...[+++]ative communautaire Pesca [amp] Infrastructures privées.