(3) Despite sections 5 and 6, a record of analysis as required by the Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations of the United States, Part 80, section 80.74 or 80.104, or as required by The California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations, Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Division 3, Chapter 5, Article 1, Subarticle 2, section 2270, may be used to provide the information on gasoline composition for a report referred to in subsection (1).
(3) Malgré les articles 5 et 6, le rapport visé au paragraphe (1) peut être basé sur les renseigne
ments relatifs à la composition de l’essence contenus dans le dossier d’analyse exigé par le règlement intitulé Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives : Standards for Reformulated and Conventional
Gasoline, titre 40, Code of Federal Regulations des États-Unis, partie 80, article 80.74 ou 80.104 ou par le règlement intitulé The California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations, titre 13, California Code of Regulations, division 3, chapitre 5, a
...[+++]rticle 1, paragraphe 2, point 2270.