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Composite forest system
Coppice of two rotations system
Coppice selection
Coppice selection system
Coppice system
Coppice with standards system
Coppice-of-two rotations method
Coppice-with-standards system
Coppicing system
Extract coppice
Extract coppiced wood
Remove coppice
Removing coppice
Rye crop and coppice system
Selection coppice system
Simple coppice
Simple coppice system
Sprout system
Stored coppice system
Storied coppice system
Two-rotation coppice system

Traduction de «Coppicing system » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
coppice of two rotations system [ coppice-of-two rotations method | two-rotation coppice system ]

taillis composé

coppice selection [ coppice selection system | selection coppice system ]

furetage [ traitement en taillis fureté ]

coppice-with-standards system (1) | composite forest system (2) | storied coppice system (3)

régime du taillis sous futaie

coppice with standards system [ stored coppice system ]

traitement en taillis-sous-futaie [ régime du taillis-sous-futaie | aménagement des taillis sous futaie ]

extract coppiced wood | removing coppice | extract coppice | remove coppice

extraire des taillis
[58] With emphasis on woody crops (short-rotation coppice, grasses and miscanthus); on new crop breeds and novel cropping systems optimised for non-food use; on improving the energy content of the agricultural crops used for first-generation biofuels; and on machines and techniques for planting, harvesting, storage, transport, pre-treatment and conversion into material that can be fed into conveyor systems.

[57] With emphasis on woody crops (short-rotation coppice, grasses and miscanthus); on new crop breeds and novel cropping systems optimised for non-food use; on improving the energy content of the agricultural crops used for first-generation biofuels; and on machines and techniques for planting, harvesting, storage, transport, pre-treatment and conversion into material that can be fed into conveyor systems.

Always in the forestry field, Regione Umbria will test an innovative management of coppice systems.

Toujours dans le domaine sylvicole, la région de l'Ombrie testera une gestion innovatrice des régimes du taillis.

The measures to achieve these objectives include: - adaptation of agriculture and development of natural resources by support for and the organization of the diversification of agricultural production (establishment of map-making, adoption of a reference farm network for extensive production systems, development of rural tourism, establishment of tourist centres, etc), by development of the forestry sector (improvement of coppices under grove, preparation of master plans for service roads, facilities to demonstrate forestry techniques ...[+++]

Les actions s'articulant autour de ces objectifs se proposent : - d'adapter l'agriculture et de valoriser les ressources naturelles par le soutien et l'organisation de la diversification des productions agricoles (établissement d'une cartographie, mise en place d'un réseau de fermes de référence pour les systèmes de production extensive, développement de l'agrotourisme, mise en place de pôles touristiques, etc.), par le développement du secteur forestier (amélioration des taillis sous futaie, établissement de schémas directeurs pour les dessertes, mise en place de dispositifs de démonstration des techniques de sylviculture, etc.) ainsi q ...[+++]

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Date index: 2023-12-31