Mrs. Marlene Jennings: I would like to bring a further amendment to Ms. Wasylycia-Leis's motion that it not just be a copy of the daily agendas for the former Minister of Public Works, Alfonso Gagliano, and the retired Deputy Minister of Public Works, Ranald Quail, but also a record to include the record of all incoming telephone calls to the offices of those two.
Mme Marlene Jennings: J'aimerais proposer un autre amendement à la motion de Mme Wasylycia-Leis de telle sorte que nous ne demandions pas seulement une copie des programmes quotidiens de l'ancien ministre des Travaux publics, Alfonso Gagliano, et du sous-ministre des Travaux publics à la retraite, Ranald Quail, mais également un relevé des appels téléphoniques reçus à leurs bureaux respectifs.