Mr. Dion: I can give you, as an example, the results from ridings with a heavy concentration of Catholics: in the St. George's Bay Region, where 74 per cent of the population is Roman Catholic, the vote was 59 per cent in favour; in the Burin Peninsula, which is 48.5 per cent Catholic, 72 per cent voted yes; and in the Avalon Peninsula, which is 49 per cent Catholic, 72 per cent voted in favour.
M. Dion: Je vais vous donner, par exemple, les résultats dans les circonscriptions à forte concentration catholique: dans St. George's Bay Region, 74 p. 100 catholique-romain, le vote a été de 59 p. 100; dans Burin Peninsula, 48,5 p. 100 catholique, le vote a été de 72 p. 100; et dans Avalon Peninsula, 49 p. 100 catholique, le vote a été de 72 p. 100.