The people at Transport Canada, the minister and Mr. Tellier will tell us the opposite, but our understanding of clause 16 is that it will make this means of intraprovincial transportation-that is, within the province-, currently under provincial jurisdiction, come under federal jurisdiction. As you no doubt know, Mr. Speaker, our party, which has repeatedly had occasion in this House to reject all the federal government's attempts at centralization-what the Prime Minister calls flexible federalism-will not let the federal government try to lay its hand on this field of provincial jurisdiction.
Vous vous doutez bien, monsieur le Président, que notre parti, ayant eu l'occasion à maintes reprises en cette Chambre de repousser toutes les tentatives de centralisation du fédéral-ce que le premier ministre du Canada appelle un fédéralisme flexible-ne sera pas d'accord pour que le fédéral tente de mettre la main sur ce champ de compétence provinciale.