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Audio control man
Audio engineer
Audio man
Audio pickup man
Audio technician
Audioman technician
Boom operator
Corrosion technician
Forest extension technician
Forest machinery operative
Forest operations
Forestry extension technician
Forestry foreman
Forestry machine repairer
Forestry machinery operator
Forestry machinery technician
Forestry operation
Forestry operational programme
Forestry operations
Forestry operations technician
Forestry operations technologist
Forestry technician
Investments in forestry operations
Logging operation
Logging operations
Monitor man
Pipeline corrosion control technician
Pipeline operations technician
Recording director
Recording engineer
Sound director
Sound engineer
Sound mixer
Sound supervisor
Surface coating technician
Technical operator

Traduction de «Forestry operations technician » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
forestry foreman | forestry operations technologist | forestry operations technician | forestry technician

agent de maîtrise d'exploitation sylvicole | superviseur d'exploitation forestier | agente de maîtrise d'exploitation forestière | technicien forestier/technicienne forestière

pipeline corrosion control technician | pipeline operations technician | corrosion technician | surface coating technician

technicien corrosion | technicien de pipelines | inspecteur de pipelines | technicien corrosion/technicienne corrosion

forest machinery operative | forestry machine repairer | forestry machinery operator | forestry machinery technician

réparateur d'engins forestiers | technicien d'engins sylvicoles | technicien d'engins forestiers | technicien d'engins forestiers/technicienne d'engins forestiers

forestry extension technician [ forest extension technician ]

technicien en vulgarisation forestière [ technicienne en vulgarisation forestière ]

forestry operation [ logging operation ]

opération forestière

logging operations [ forestry operations ]

opérations forestières

forest operations | forestry operations

opérations forestières

forestry operational programme

programme opérationnel forestier

investments in forestry operations

investissement concernant l'amélioration forestière

technical operator | recording director | sound director | sound engineer | sound mixer | monitor man | supervisor | audioman | audio technician | sound supervisor | audio engineer | audio control man | audio man | boom operator | sound-man | audio pickup man | recording engineer | audioman technician

preneur de son | preneuse de son | ingénieur du son | ingénieure du son | chef opérateur du son | chef opératrice du son
In Nova Scotia in particular, the Canadian Forestry Association is working on.Our logging for wildlife program is designed for contractors, small sawmill operators, private landowners, the new forest technicians group that was just started in Nova Scotia, and anybody else who will be going onto the landscape and changing that landscape through harvesting or forestry activities of any kind.

En Nouvelle-Écosse en particulier, l'Association forestière canadienne travaille sur.Notre programme de protection de la faune vise les entrepreneurs, les petites scieries, les forêts privées, le nouveau groupe de techniciens de la forêt qui vient de se constituer en Nouvelle-Écosse, tous les exploitants forestiers susceptibles de modifier le paysage par leurs activités.

They include forestry professionals, such as ecologists, researchers, forest technologists and technicians, and machine operators in the processing plants.

Ces professions comprennent les professionnels de la foresterie comme les écologistes, les chercheurs, les technologues et les techniciens en foresterie, et les opérateurs de machinerie dans les usines de transformation.

It includes in particular : - under Regis (ECU 43.4 million), port and airport improvements, anti- cyclone measures, industrial and crafts facilities, the protection and improvement of two yachting harbours, the construction of an international university hall of residence, support for the agri- food industry, the strengthening of the plant production sector, afforestation and forestry improvements, training in tropical agriculture and tertiary industries; - under Envireg (ECU 3.8 million), coastal cleaning operations, the management of ...[+++]

Il comporte notamment : - au titre de REGIS (43,4 MECU), des aménagements portuaires et aéroportuaires, la protection anticyclonique, d'équipements industriels et artisanaux, la protection et l'aménagement de deux ports de plaisance, la construction d'une cité universitaire internationale, le soutien à la filière agroalimentaire, le renforcement des filières de productions agricoles végétales, le reboisement et l'aménagement forestier, la formation à l'agriculture tropicale et aux activités tertiaires; - au titre d'ENVIREG (3,8 MECU), des opérations d'assaini ...[+++]
