A change to this heading No. from ground fabric of any other chapter, except from any of heading Nos. 50. 07, 51.11-51.13, 52.08-52.12, 53.09-53.11, 54.07-54.08, 55.12-55.16, 56.02-56.03, 58.04, 58.06 and 60.01-60.02; or
Un changement à cette position d’un tissu de fond de tout autre chapitre, sauf de l’une des positions 50.07, 51.11-51.13, 52.08-52.12, 53.09-53.11, 54.07-54.08, 55.12-55.16, 56.02-56.03, 58.04, 58.06 et 60.01-60.02; ou