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Acute viral hepatitis A
Acute virus A hepatitis
Continental flexure
Continental lithosphere flexure
Encephalopathy NOS
Flexura coli dextra
Flexura coli sinistra
Flexura linealis coli
Hepatic coma NOS
Hepatic flexure
Hepatic flexure Splenic flexure
Hepatic flexure of colon
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis acute
Left angle of colon
Left colic flexure
Left flexure of colon
Platform flexure
Right colic flexure
Right flexure of colon
Splenic flexure of colon
Type A hepatitis
Type A viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis A
Viral hepatitis type A
Virus A hepatitis

Traduction de «Hepatic flexure » (Anglais → Français) :

Hepatic flexure Splenic flexure

Angle:droit du côlon | gauche du côlon

right flexure of colon [ hepatic flexure of colon | flexura coli dextra ]

angle colique droit [ angle hépatique | flexura coli dextra ]

hepatitis A | HA | type A hepatitis | viral hepatitis A | type A viral hepatitis | viral hepatitis type A | virus A hepatitis | acute viral hepatitis A | acute virus A hepatitis

hépatite A | HA

continental flexure [ continental lithosphere flexure | platform flexure ]

flexure continentale

splenic flexure of colon [ left flexure of colon | left colic flexure | left angle of colon | flexura linealis coli | flexura coli sinistra ]

angle gauche du côlon [ courbe colique gauche | angle splénique du côlon | flexura coli sinistra ]

hepatic:coma NOS | encephalopathy NOS | hepatitis:acute | fulminant | malignant | NEC, with hepatic failure | liver (cell) necrosis with hepatic failure yellow liver atrophy or dystrophy

atrophie ou dystrophie jaune du foie coma | encéphalopathie | hépatique SAI | hépatite:aiguë | fulminante | maligne | NCA, avec insuffisance hépatique | nécrose des hépatocytes avec insuffisance hépatique

A rare variant of cutaneous lichen planus with the presence of hyperpigmented lichenoid lesions in sun-exposed or flexural areas of the body. A rare disease in Europe but it is common in Indian populations and in the Middle East. The overall prevalen

lichen plan pigmentogène
