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Committee of the whole
Committee of the whole council
Committee of the whole house
Communicate house rules
Communicate rules of the house
Deliver a rock in the back of the house
Deliver a stone in the back of the house
Explain rules and regulations
Health Insurance Institute for Sailors
House of Representatives
House of Representatives of the States General
House of the Sailor
Housing improvements
Housing modernisation
Housing modernization
Housing renovation
Improvement of housing
Improvement of the housing environment
Improvement of the residential environment
Improvement of the residential milieu
Knock a rock out of the house
Knock a rock out of the rings
Knock a stone out of the house
Knock a stone out of the rings
Lay a rock in the house
Lay a rock in the rings
List the game rules
Lower House of the States General
Mariners’ Health Fund
Modernisation of housing
Modernisation of the housing environment
Modernisation of the residential environment
Modernisation of the residential milieu
Modernization of housing
Modernization of the housing environment
Modernization of the residential environment
Modernization of the residential milieu
Nudge a rock out of the house
Nudge a stone
Play a rock in the house
Play a rock in the rings
Play in the house
Play in the rings
President of the House
President of the House of Representatives
Pull a rock in the house
Pull a rock in the rings
Put a rock deep
Put a rock in the back of the house
Put a rock in the house
Put a rock in the rings
Put a stone deep
Put a stone in the back of the house
Renovation of housing
Seaman’s Home
Seamen's Home
Store a rock in the house
Store a rock in the r
Take a rock out of the house
Take a rock out of the rings
Take a stone out of the house
Take a stone out of the rings
Typing up and affixing leads by the custom house

Vertaling van "House the Sailor " (Engels → Frans) :

Health Insurance Institute for Sailors | House of the Sailor | Mariners’ Health Fund | Seaman’s Home | Seamen's Home

Maison du marin

improvement of housing [ housing improvements | housing modernisation | housing modernization | housing renovation | improvement of the housing environment | improvement of the residential environment | improvement of the residential milieu | modernisation of housing | modernisation of the housing environment | modernisation of the residential environment | modernisation of the residential milieu | modernization of housing | modernization of the housing environment | modernization of the residential environment | modernization of the residential milieu | renovation of housing ]

amélioration du logement [ amélioration de l'habitat | modernisation de l'habitat | modernisation de logement | rénovation d'habitation | rénovation de l'habitat ]

put a rock in the house [ put a rock in the rings | lay a rock in the house | lay a rock in the rings | play in the house | play in the rings | pull a rock in the house | pull a rock in the rings | play a rock in the house | play a rock in the rings | store a rock in the house | store a rock in the r ]

placer une pierre dans la maison [ placer une pierre à l'intérieur des cercles ]

President of the House | President of the House of Representatives | President of the House of Representatives of the States General

Président de la Chambre des représentants | Président de la Seconde Chambre des Etats généraux

take a rock out of the house [ take a stone out of the house | take a rock out of the rings | take a stone out of the rings | knock a rock out of the house | knock a stone out of the house | knock a rock out of the rings | knock a stone out of the rings | nudge a rock out of the house | nudge a stone ]

sortir une pierre de la maison [ faire sortir une pierre de la maison | déloger une pierre de la maison | sortir une pierre de justesse de la maison ]

put a rock deep [ put a stone deep | put a rock in the back of the house | put a stone in the back of the house | deliver a rock in the back of the house | deliver a stone in the back of the house ]

placer une pierre dans l'arrière de la maison [ placer une pierre à l'arrière de la maison ]

House of Representatives | House of Representatives of the States General | Lower House of the States General

Chambre des représentants

communicate rules of the house | explain rules and regulations | communicate house rules | list the game rules

communiquer le réglement intérieur

committee of the whole | committee of the whole house | committee of the whole council

commission plénière | assemblée plénière | réunion plénière | séance plénière | comité plénier | comité général

typing up and affixing leads by the custom house

apposition de cordes et de plombs de douane
Mr. Speaker, what I can assure the hon. member and the House is that we take the mental health of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and women and their very well-being as a very serious obligation solemn obligation.

Monsieur le Président, je puis assurer à la députée et à la Chambre que nous considérons comme une obligation très sérieuse et solennelle de nous occuper de la santé mentale et du bien-être des membres des forces terrestres, navales et aériennes.

It seems to have taken a very interesting turn. However, I want to explain not only for members of the House—in particular the Liberal Party, which does not seem to understand the legislative process—but also for the men and women in our military, our soldiers, sailors and airmen, how the legislation is designed to improve the circumstances of not only their lot but of military justice in general.

Je voudrais toutefois expliquer, pour la gouverne non seulement des députés, en particulier ceux du Parti libéral, qui ne semblent pas comprendre le processus législatif, mais aussi de tous les membres des forces armées, nos soldats, nos marins et nos aviateurs, en quoi le projet de loi vise à améliorer non seulement leur sort, mais aussi la justice militaire en général.

As we know, the government has spent like a drunken sailor over the last two years to the point, according to the ministry of finance, that it is at 0.7% of going back into a deficit, something which this side of the House and this party got this country out of when we inherited a $42.5 billion deficit in 1993.

Comme on le sait, le gouvernement jette l'argent par les fenêtres depuis deux ans, tant et si bien que, au dire du ministre des Finances, il est à 0,7 p. 100 d'un déficit, situation dont nous, de ce côté-ci, et notre parti avons tiré le pays après avoir hérité d'un déficit de 42,5 milliards de dollars en 1993.

We sat the longest sitting in the House of Commons on the Crow debate, outside of the sailor debate that was held in 1918.

Ce débat avait donné lieu à la plus longue séance à la Chambre des communes, mis à part le débat sur la marine, en 1918.

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The examples of leadership this government has shown with respect to the Canadian forces are demonstrated day in and day out by the very pride we all have in this House, and all Canadians, for the dedication, skill and professionalism of Canada's soldiers, sailors, airmen and airwomen.

Tous les jours, la fierté que les députés et l'ensemble des Canadiens éprouvent face au dévouement, à la compétence et au professionnalisme des soldats, marins et aviateurs témoigne du leadership du gouvernement à l'endroit des Forces canadiennes.
